My desk probably is not wide enough to hold the dang thing up anyways. And that close to the screen I would probably go blind trying to watch it all.
lol…oh yes…we looked at some 50"+ screens and they wont even fit in the spot our current set is at, lol. 45ish seems to be about the max in the spot its sitting in.
I guess if we had kids in the home it’d be cool having one that big for movie night or something. Its just me and the wife here and we sometimes will go months without turning the tv on, lol. We mostly watch shows on our devices before we pass out in bed at night, lol.
Why don’t you deflect harder, little man?
ok there, last word. lmao
just got to keep your trolling going, I see
Brother, I’m not the one being an insufferable little gremlin and telling others they’re just too poor to afford the mount when I can’t dispute anything they’re saying. You don’t have a genuine bone in your body and it’s honestly my mistake for humoring a conversation with someone as single IQ’d as yourself.
lmao…yeah…son…you are…because you have NO self control. Most trolls dont.
Dont need to say it…you tell us yourself that you dont have the 90 bucks by whining about it for over three weeks now
well, Im not the one whining about 90 bucks for weeks now, son…that would be you
dude is sitting there grinding his teeth sketching like an addict waiting for me to post again
hanging on my every word…how pathetic.
Again: I haven’t been whining about the mount for weeks now. I’ve literally only been here a week, and pretty intermittently at that.
I don’t even know how you expect people to respond with this sort of thing. I could literally go and buy the mount right now and prove you wrong. I could buy it tenfold and still not make a dent in my bank account, but what good would that do to the conversation? If I don’t buy the mount, you’ll continue to call me poor. If I do buy the mount, I’m sure you and everyone else will suddenly tell me that I’m not allowed to be critical of the mount because I spent money on it.
So what exactly do you intend to glean from an accusation such as that one? It contributes nothing to the conversation except to flame others. But at this point, you’re making it clearer and clearer that having a conversation about the mount isn’t really something you’re interested in.
As I said yesterday, it’s no wonder you spend most of your time on these forums and not in real life, because I can’t imagine anyone worth their salt who would want to spend time with someone as insufferable as yourself.
buy the mount, dont buy the mount…NO ONE CARES about you OR your spending habits son…just STOP whining at us about it
I bought two brutos and the wife just told me last night she IS buying one for her account thru the week here lmao
and I might even buy it for another bnet I use from time to time. lmao.
You can cringe whine all you want son…it aint gonna get you a free bruto from blizzco…sorry
and here he comes again lmao
Enjoy your little cesspool of garbage. Must be liberating to be this stupid in real life.
youre back on ignore son…youre clearly having some kind of personal issues outside this game and its VERY obvious.
Oh sick I woke up just in time to watch the daily Liolang meltdown again lmao
Blessed day
got to be alts from the same poster at this point lmao
I tell the one he’s ignored and BOOM…Rath shows up 3 seconds later.
Lmao you must be bitter to know several people here think you’re a clown
oh no…some no name nobody who cant afford 90 bucks doesnt like me…what EVER am I gonna do with my life now
The self importance of those ‘several people in here’ to think ANYONE CARES who they like is pathetically laughable.
But now that I know you and Breg are the same person…youre ignored too byebye
lmao…SURE ya did son.
I ignored your alt so of course you needed to lay out your alibi about ‘just waking up’ to pretend to be believable
You’ve been in here for three weeks fighting the same people, so yeah, you clearly do care lmao
See you in three days when you decide to unignore me again lmao
I was so close to buying this thing then I just said nah
Also haven’t bought Vessel of Hatred, a single skin on the $$$$ D4 shop, and never a yearly sub.
I seen a lot of chum used on shark week to get the bites. But this topic take all the bait.
We gonna need a bigger boat.
its not that big a deal unless you are in the AH like 15-20 times a day, honestly.
If you arent farming every minute your playing and needing to clear out your bags at the AH…or a flipper…its really not gonna make or break your game to not have it.
I honestly would just spend the 90 bucks on something else if youre even questioning the purchase.