Wait till missy panda’s Mommy sees that credit card bill! missy panda is gonna be sad missy panda.
my grandsons always want those game cards for gifts…bdays…Christmas…even if I give them 20 bucks for a little spending cash they have me run them to the game store to buy a card, lol.
Course, then theyre ‘hungry’ and we have to stop at some fast food place too, lol.
you should start a GoFundMe for a mount since you cant get the $$$ scrounged up.
Id bet good money that the community would hook you up.
100 players tossing in a buck each would cover you easy
Yeah, yeah I got it now from everything you have stated: Missy Panda is probably a retired senior person probably living on social security. Which doesn’t provide for the cost of living too well. A retired person such as this should be spending their low fixed income on housing, utilities and food. Not some digital game items. I’m saying this from a humanitarian perspective.
I hope you can do better than this son.
I’ll help you out.
when google started Adsense, I started my account the first month it was available to use.
EAsy money…even if you young kids cant figure out how to make it work out for you.
That and charging good money to build and maintain websites is an easy living.
ive turned down jobs that paid more than you make in a year, son lmao.
again bubbles…I AINT the one whimpering over 90 bucks in here
Now…get back to the topic, thx
I get that a few of you are OBSESSING about my financial situation, son…but I AINT the topic here…even ifyou need me to be
That’s rich! You telling me to get back on topic, when your the one that has posted 560 times in this topic alone trying to derail it.
Correct, I was here, and then I wasn’t. And now I’m back and about to leave again because my life doesn’t live and die by conversations I feel I’ve triumphed over on a video game forum.
I admit I am a 54 year old retired vet that gets to sit on my rear and play video games all day. And still draw a paycheck.
Jerry ain’t got nothing on this thread…
sorry son but YOU are the derailers here spending MOST of YOUR posts railing on about MY PERSON instead of the TOPIC.
all I know is here you are…if you want cred points son, you’ll move along and stop worrying about a 90 buck mount and my post count and financial status lmao
No…youre saying that as a jealous broke person who cant afford 90bucks for a mount youre clearly seething about instead of letting it go, lol
again. son…i bought the mount twice…and didnt whine a bit about it…maybe YOU are the broke retiree, based on the evidence here
You are the one not letting it go. At this point missy panda I don’t even believe you bought the mount! I think you just like trolling the thread for lols.
he said…while NOT letting it go.
The abject hypocrisy from you son its off the meter lmao
oh…no…some no-name nobody on the interwebs doesnt believe me …WHAT EVERY shall I do now…I had all my hopes and dreams pinned on this guy believing me when I said I bought a 90 buck mount that he cant afford
Hey blizzard…would you PLEASE, by all that is good in this world…PLEASE give us another 90 buck mount?
this time put it on the store directly and leave it there.
You must be hallucinating again, because I don’t think I ever concerned myself with your financial status.
You, on the other hand:
still in here whining about 90 bucks you cant seem to scrape together lmao
My new monitor looks amazing! I’ve got a lot of games in my library I look forward to playing through on it! Good thing my sub runs out tomorrow.
Well, we are happy for you. I am very happy that my AH/Mail mount saves me a lot of time from running back n forth while I farm stuff in world to put on the AH to make gold. Which I already paid off the cost of getting it in the 1st place.
Have wonderful fun playing the game you enjoy more than WoW.
its hilarious that theyre supposedly quitting over a mount no one asked them to buy, lol.
They COULD just quit without the advertising if they really wanted to quit and not just saying it for the attention they want to get by saying it, lmao.
I’ll stay right here with my new brutos AND my fancy 34" wide screen monitors and keep asking bliz for MORE OPTIONAL mounts to be added on the game shop, personally.
Well I might need to plug in my 54 inch large screen smart TV into my PC and soak in the pixels on what my mount looks like on it. lol
lol. I tried our TV as a monitor but it just doesnt have the resolution these monitors have up close and you can really tell once your a couple feet away from the screen.
I generally hate anything with the Samsung name on it, but these monitors have really been my favorite of pretty much any Ive ever owned. Seriously fine DPI. I can see every little thing off in the distance playing the game…my last one was VERY pixelated by comparison. I just didnt realize it till we got these newer ones.