Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur $90.00 Ripoff!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

COMPARED TO…son…isnt… IS, lmao

You COMPARED this game to P2W …period…end of debate, like it or not.

Its NOT comparable…PERIOD…like it or not.

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ive stopped taking any one in here seriously the second I hear ‘predatory’ or ‘pay to win’ or yeah…‘free to play’…because you just know theyre expecting FREE crap from blizzard and upset they arent coughing it up for the entitled sort in here. lol.

Omg…my eldest grandson when he was …7, I think…did just that. lol.
He had seen my mom doing it to buy him something in game and because she leaves her cards laying all about, he got it and just purchased a bunch of game stuff thinking it was ok because she had done it.

Thankfully both the game company and the card issuer were entirely understanding and reversed it all lol

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I guess the trigger flipped in Lio’s brain again and now we’re at the meltdown stages of the day lmao

See ya’ll tomorrow lol

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
“you said something I dont like/disagree with, therefore YOU are having a meltdown”
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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Yeah I get tired of hearing all 3 terms tossed to this mount. As if not having to run to a major town or hub to use a mail box or AH is such a grand advantage over other players whom freely choose not to buy the AH/Mail box mount. Its a time saver, and quality of life mount, nothing more. And to some of us we think it looks cool also.

The fact I use the AH a lot, thus it is a huge time saver for me, and that the 1.2 million in gold I spent I already made it back and then some. So in a sense I got the mount for free one could say, because no matter what I would have made that gold and it would have sat on my toon or in my bank collecting dust.

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That’s loot boxes definition. Correct. But in this scenario: Little Johnny grabs mommy’s credit card and runs it up buying cash shop items that don’t exist in the real world.

Good lord, I’ve never seen someone so desperate to win a one-sided argument on the forums.

Ya’ll really need to step outside. It’s the holidays, don’t any of you have any sort of Christmas shopping to do?

Ohh I know people who have done that when they was younger and I know people whom that happen too from their kids. So it does happen in the real world.

You also have had a number of popular game streamers admit they have done this to their parents while growing up.

Also in the past 5 years its been in the news where some countries are trying to ban games and game companies that practice loot boxes or anything that can be seen as such. All because of this type of thing happening to underage minors in their country and even young adults.

Parents put their credit card on the account as a way to pay for the monthly fee, but the credit card on file can also be used for the cash shop. The kids can then go buy whatever they want in the cash shop. Mommy sees a $90.00 purchase for Wow game stuff. She’s not gonna be too happy. Specially if Mommy is already living from pay check to paycheck.

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Yes, but that is a part of being a kid, you don’t think you will get caught 90% of the time. You actually think no one sees the list of what is purchased or spent. When they get caught we live in the world of don’t blame the child or punish them or teach them a lesson, but blame the outside source that dangled the bait and punish them.

Oh now. Wait until Missy Panda girl’s Mommy sees this months credit card bill.

So true. The thing here is that Wow uses the cash shop as the bait to lure kids as well as adults to buy virtual junk. Blizz is not innocent in this.

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To be honest with you, I am pretty sure Lio has their own cards and pay their own bills. So they don’t have to worry about their mommy saying anything about how they spend their money in real life.

I’ll be honest with you. I don’t think Missy Panda girl works at all. Might not be a kid, but some one in her family (I guess) supports her. Because she’s in the forum 24/7. So I guess someone else bought this mount with their credit card unknowingly. Wait till that person sees the bill! That’s why Missy Panda girl is so defensive to the point of lunacy.

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I think coming from MY game play ‘style’ where I farm crap to sell all day that when the first bruto came out it affected my perception about how ‘necessary’ the mount was and made me FEEL like it was an unfair advantage to those who didnt have it.

It wasnt till I realized that MoST players arent playing like I am that it dawned on me that unless Im running the AH all day long, making multiple trips an hour to the AH, that this mount really isnt that big a deal to most players.

IF youre using the AH a LOT during a play session this thing is great for the saved time.
IF one is just casually selling here and there a couple times a session…totally NOT worth buying unless one just wants to have it.

If one is in the AH so much that they NEED it, I dont see how they couldnt have the gold already…or easily make the gold in 9 weeks they had since it went on sale.

IF theyre so much an AH goblin they need this mount, then 1.5M gold isnt exactly a ton and they frankly should ahve it already.

I have about 2.8 ish million. I could have easily purchased one with gold. I chose to buy it with cash because currently cash is FAR easier for me to get than making 1.5 million gold since I dont do the AH flipping thing much anymore

The same thing keeps running thru my mind when Im looking at that next 500k gold warbank tab, lol

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and yet…HERE you ARE and remain, lmao

1, my personal life isnt your concern.
2. I made more today by noon on my websites thru thousands of ads over all of them than you’ll make this week at your ‘job’ running yourself to death for the man to put profits in HIS pocket lmao.

Missy Panda is just a belligerent liar. That should be obvious to all by now.

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Ironically…hysterically…unlike THEM, Im not the one crying about not having 90 bucks for a hobby purchase lmao.
And I bought TWO brutos so far and it may end up being four if I get in the mood to getthem for a couple more bnets lol.

I wonder who here doesnt have an income?
the ones crying about 90 bucks for 3 weeks…or the one who spent 200 bucks the first day on this mount? lmao

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Ms panda isnt the one crying about not having 90 bucks :wink: