Trade Services is a disaster zone

I went in there to try and find someone to run some lowbies for transmog runs and holy crap. It was like putting a paper boat into rushing rapids in there! The same adverts being spammed faster than the eye could follow and half of them linking to some RMT site. @.@


literally just use lfg


The fact that Blizzard has created and dedicated an entire auto-join chat channel to essentially paid carries is insanity to me. Like, that’s what it’s for. What else is a “service” that people actually sell other than profession stuff, which SPECIFICALLY does not go there – that goes to normal Trade Chat?

It’s a behavior that needed to be curbed, not endorsed.


Tbh the game needs a chat channel that affects the entire world (not instances) so people can chill, chat, and converse with fellow gamers. Trade chat is the longest reaching chat in the game so people took this to fulfill this need. People wanted it so bad they started to complain about trade chat being used for its original purpose. Seeing how many people would not defend trade chat for its original purpose Blizzard settled with making Trade (Services).

You could also say guild recruitment should be tied to server forums, professions tied to services, and pug recruitment tied to lfg tools but it rarely works that way. When you log into a MMORPG to chat and chill with fellow gamers do you wanna talk to people about the game or non related game things, or would you rather see your chat box completely spammed with professions, guild recruitments, and people selling carries that you’ll never touch in the games life time?


You can /leave any channel that doesn’t interest you. You can also report players spamming in the wrong channel.

You can, and I’ve done it since I left trade services. I still get the occasional sketchy boosting message in the general channel. I report those, but I never get the mail in game from Blizzard thanking me for my report and saying they took action.

I seem to recall that when Trade (Services) was implemented, someone asked where social chat should take place. Someone from Blizzard (Ion?) said that social chat did not belong in trade channels, and was neither necessary nor desirable.

Perhaps I’m remembering wrong. But social chat has gone away, and the community is lessened by this.

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The player on player paid service economy stimulates a lot of token sales :disappointed_relieved:

What bugs me the most is that new players are put into this channel by default, for the love of God, let people level and maybe run some things properly before you teach them that they should be paying to be taken everywhere???

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Not only is it insanity but criminal. People should be banned permanently and prosecuted in full criminal court for abuse and theft of game resources that leads to RMT. It should be a felony not celebrated.

well the people who run the game do not agree, and it’s their game

what on earth are you even talking about

I don’t think Trade Services was created because people wanted to socialize in Trade Chat. Social chat probably belongs in General, not Trade, but just my opinion.

The WoW team explicitly wanted to clean up Trade Chat to primarily isolate those selling carries for gold to a new channel dedicated to that type of “service” thereby removing what others considered spam from Trade Chat. The rules about such carries for gold are pretty explicit and pinned to the top of General Discussion.


TS isn’t a channel. It’s a filter.

ah i guess you are right then. WTB A world chat channel named “Barrens chat” then.

It’s against ToS to offer or request service via LFG, you trying to get me in trouble? :frowning_face:

No one, out of the kindness of their heart, is going to run my alts through content.

You are correct. It is also a ToS violation to just “chat” or ask for help with something in regular Trade Chat. That channel is specifically for the buying and selling of in-game items.

Literally use LFG for tmog runs its not against the rules to make your own tmog runs you have to be trolling like wth

not really ppl have full on convo in reg trade chat all the time and they share outfits all the time . idk what game your playing but it aint the same one lol

It is? Where does it say that?

The ToS (Terms of Sale) do not have anything to do with rules regarding ingame chat. The EULA (End User License Agreement) only deals with disruptive or abusive or other inappropriate communications.
Blizzard’s In-Game Code of Conduct provides general rules for how people communicate in the game.

None of those sites listed anything that I could see prohibiting something or limiting the use of Trade Chat. I’d be interested to hear if I missed anything.

I vaguely remember it coming up either in a blue post or the discussion around a blue post back around when Trade Services got made in the first place. My memory is fuzzy, so this could be a long game of telephone. Could also just be an implied thing from when Ion went “Trade is only for Trade, not socializing”, tying into “inappropriate discussions for the channel” part of the rules.

Your reading comprehension is astounding.

I never said transmog runs were against the rules. I said no one, out of the kindness of their heart, is going to carry some lower leveled, lower geared alts through BFA Mythics for free. Ergo, I’d have to pay someone. And you can’t offer or request services through LFG.

what the heck are you on ? you dont need to pay ppl to do bfa mythics LOL i lit just got done farming mythic BoD for 2 weeks n got crown tmog for all my toons except leather wearers.

I actually love that they did it. Now i just remove one channel instead of getting a chat filter. Its so nice to just turn off all the carry spam

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Yup, convenient that. Unless you actually need a service. :frowning_face: