Trade post april hopes?

Something from the store I don’t already have. Something, like a pet, that normally appears on the BMAH but I keep getting outbid because I can’t stay up all night watching it.


So far I have been impressed. Trading Post is the only reason I haven’t lost all interest in WOW. It came at the right time.

Saving all tokens. The free mount and jester gear were awesome!!!


Well not with that attitude, Jared.

Well, for one I wouldn’t want to spend tendies on that, and it seems messed up to do that lol. That should be a default to all thing.

A really nice pair of shoulders and a great belt, because that’s all I can wear.

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April fools that says they’re putting TCG on the Trading Post then actually not.

I want the ability to turn off Trade Post Quests. Ignoring it does not help

This 100% and a nice wooden large club to go with it.


Yes! You read my mind. I want the barbarian fantasy.

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same here, ever since i discovered arms warrior, just want some furs, a loincloth and a big club.


It has the female character show off their bra like some tops on DH women tend to do. If seeing your gal’s bra is an issue you can fix that with a shirt I believe like the bandages one


If I had to ask for one thing…

Mekkatorques Mech Suit as a mount, and Wrenchcalibur as a two-handed mace.

Otherwise, nothing pops to me mind.


I know its probably never going to happen, but Ulduar tier set boots, especially the purple mage set boots.

Incomplete tier sets triggers my OCD and gives me anxiety.

I also have my fingers crossed for blademaster flag for the cape slot, i mean they already have the sword, might aswell give us the complete look.

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have you checked the transmogrifiers trial of style inventory? i saw they added a slew of pieces that were missing from tier sets of old


Did you say … Valhallen?


And make the cost one more tendie than it’s possible to have up to this point.


… ill tendie you

Hidden Pants.


LOL that won’t stop blizzard…all though last few years there hasn’t been any good real April fools stuff from them…unlike the Paperclip one…

wish they would patch in april fools stuff instead of just some article

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