TRADE DEAL: Store Mount for PvP Gear

Blizzard, I have proposition for you.

I will purchase one store mount, on a bi-weekly basis, until I have them all. I will, also, purchase 6 month sub


Honor Gear 249 PvP iLvl, Conquest Gear 259 PvP iLvl

PvE iLvl is now separate from PvP iLvl, there is no reason to gatekeep PvP iLvl. Keep all the renown gatekeeping and upgrades for the PvE iLvl if you’d like, but please allow the PvP community to flourish. This massive iLvl gap turns new players away from PvP.

Many of us play this game only for PvP. Please invest in us, and in return, we’ll invest in you.


God no.

/10 chars




Yesss the no people are just annoying gatekeepers.

Raiders meta mentality ruined the game. Non of their feedback should be taken to account

Let pvpers and rpers feedback be heard.

Casuals should get the reins hardcore players should just raidlog


Haha you’re spare parts bud


As someone who has all of the store mounts by choice…

This sounds like pay to win.

Also, blizzard should fix the state of PvP because it’s terrible and ruining the game for PvPers. We are already paying them. They should already do it.


I could sympathize with them not doing it for 9.0 since PvE & PvP iLvl was intertwined, but now that they’re separate I can’t imagine a reason to not shorten the PvP iLvl gap.

I don’t even think it’s them being malicious or anything tbh it just seems like an oversight. The devs are so used to having to worry about the PvP gear during PvE, but that’s no longer the case.

Got no idea what that means bud

I see we’ve reached the bargaining stage in the pvp grief recovery cycle.


It’s his sad attempt at being edgy.


OP isn’t asking for pay to win. OP is asking for the game to be a bit more balanced and is willing to pay extra for it to happen. (Through store mounts, odd request).

Casual pvp is so bad right now. Go get on a fresh alt, buy the starter pvp gear and get absolutely destroyed by folks who are hardstruck at 1500 rating but have such a gear gap it’s extremely hard to beat them.

I faced a team that didn’t interrupt me in 2s on my shaman. This was around 1500 MMR. It was a hard match because I kept getting hit for 50% of my HP in one global. All because my opponents had much better gear than I.

If I wanted unbalanced PVP, I’d be going back to classic. Game should have evolved over the past 17 years, especially with a controlled environment such as BGs and Arenas, where newer players are not punished for being new.

Pvp is not accessible to new players. It’s not. Other games allow for new players to come in and dominate due to skill. World of Warcraft puts you at a massive disadvantage as a newer player. They do not care about the new pvp player experience.


No thanks. I don’t want to play World of Fortniteleaguecraft.

Lol, I always love your feedback.

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This sounds like buying a wrangler for the ride quality.

I don’t think you understand what actual casual play is.

League of legends is also for try hard meta players they reflect perfectly with the mythic raid community.

Fortnite is a shooter. And to be good you have to build like a engineer on drugs and from what I’ve seen on YouTube you gotta no life it to build fast and crap.

Casual WoW is how WoW was in WoD and below. Good class design for pvp. Good gearing and a way for casual players to slowly upgrade their gear to the best.


I don’t think you understand my point nor what casual means.

WoW is already casual friendly. Those who claim it is not are either entitled or lazy. Probably both.

How the heck is facing someone 50 ilvls above you and being required to win to get their gear casual friendly?


Ohhhhh your delusional ya that makes sense.

Wows not casual friendly. The systems are an annoying loop to cross for a character to do what they want.

It’s also hilarious how you say wows casual and then directly afterwords use very “meta hardcore” player terms like entitled players or lazy. You know like I’m wrath the game with the highest sub numbers in WoW history.

I guess everyone before Legion was entitled or lazy for have a game that has a true casual path for hearing without having to do rated content.

You’ve been fed the “meta” koolaid cool aid for some time now huh


Everybody starts at the same point though. It’s equitable from the get go. Some people have more time to invest and others more skill. When most people say that things need to be more casual friendly, they’re really saying they want equality of outcome which is an inherently unfair perspective.

With that being said, should random BGs perhaps use a more rigid matchmaking system. Probably.

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No, just an actual casual who doesn’t agree with the more popular herd mentality that has been degrading the quality of my favorite game since Cataclysm.

Ew no
