Trade Chat Spam Issue

I’m writing this in hopes to get some attention to the politics spam, mythic/raid carry spam, and image spam in trade chat. Players have the opportunity to create their own chat channels and communities in wow, however choose to spam trade chat leaving the channel useless to people actually trying to use it for it’s primary intention.

I think it’d be a great idea for Blizzard to put out an announcement that people will start receiving temporary bans for using the channel inappropriately similar to what they just did with the multiboxing ban. I really think Blizzard is on the right track to improving the community, but there’s still a few outstanding things and this is a major one.

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So one of the major complaints about retail is the lack of community and you want to destroy what little of it there is left by banning people for talking to one another.

Seems like a horrible idea to me.


No, I’m saying let trade chat be trade chat and maybe open a new general channel for the “community” you speak of that are being toxic toward one another. People have resorted to spamming trade chat with JPGs to silence the political talk. I think everyone can agree, especially on high populated servers, that trade chat is no longer for trading.

Oh yeah, I’m sure they are spamming with the purest of intentions.

I am not opposed to them bringing back world chat, but banning people for talking in a entirely optional channel is silly.

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Expect that didn’t put out a mulitboxing ban, they put out a ban on using certain software.

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How about you keep your trading out of our world chat.


Temporary bans would be a consequence after Blizzard announced that anything but trade chat should be reserved for separate channels. Trade chat isn’t an optional channel; you’re in this channel by default. I’ve been playing wow since '04 and trade chat might have had banter here and there, but when it gets to this point where the channel can’t even be used for it’s fundamental reason of creation something should be done. I’m all for community, but I don’t think using trade chat for what it’s currently used for is the solution.

Regardless, it’s a step in the right direction and I think they should keep heading that way.

It takes about 3 clicks of your mouse to turn it off, making it an optional channel.

I think that Blizzs moderators have better things to do than monitor chat on all of thier servers. Especially when they have given players the tools to fix the issue themselves.

Edit: not even 3 clicks

If it bothers you that bad there are quite a few addons that can assist you in taking care of the issue yourself without the need to cry to Blizzard about forcing your preferences on everyone else.

Global Ignore List and Chat Spam Filter” and " BadBoy: Spam Blocker & Reporter" just to name a couple.


/leave 2

Works extremely well for me. :slight_smile:

I can always join it again should I wish to.

Plus as Linii states there are addons you can get to block specific people/content.


“Inappropriately” according to whom? You? Your snowflake feelings?

Stop trying to ban speech. Turn off the channel.

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The point is that it’s a trade channel and I shouldn’t have to “turn it off” or “leave” to use the channel for what it’s meant for. If it was meant for something other than trading don’t you think Blizzard would have changed it to “world” chat or something of the sort?

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Ignoring players doesn’t solve the issue. It stops me from seeing them spamming. It doesn’t stop other people from seeing them spamming instead of things people are actually trying to trade in “Trade” chat.

According to the name of the channel: “Trade”. I’m trying to get everything else into a new channel to reserve Trade chat for trade.

I wish that were a viable solution, however it still doesn’t make up for the fact that I’m trying to trade in “Trade” chat. Even if I ignore people they can’t see other people trying to trade because of the spam.

That is the thing dude! A lot of people want to see what you do not wish to! Who are you to decide what I or any other player can read in any chat?

As to ignoring them. The addons keep any spam with key words in a blacklist from showing without an ignore.

To be fair they’re selling runs in trade chat… Key word being selling. Sounds like the appropriate place to me.

So you want to push your views on others?
So for example…

  1. Mythic/raid runs are a form of trading. Your trading gold for services. So they are entitled completely to using the trade in my eyes. You may not like it, but its fair enough.

  2. Politics is just free speech. If someone starts swearing or harassing, that’s what reporting is for. But they are just having conversations. Seems like you just don’t like the topic. Which means its a YOU problem. Not a them problem.

I don’t wish to see it, but that doesn’t mean I think it sohuldn’t exist. I just think it should be in a separate channel that I can leave if I choose to and use “Trade” chat for trading. The addons stop me from seeing them, but not other people that are trying to trade as well. A player shouldn’t have to download and addon or ignore every player just because they wish to trade in a video game cchat channel meant for trading.

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