Trade Chat and Interface issues

I am sure this has been reported but since patch, I have had to manually turn off Trade and Services chat or delete them. Moment I login and out they are back and spamming my general chat. Additionally, my display for health bars and mana is gone and have to go into interface options switch the value I see them, before they stay permanently visible. Lastly, noticed that my tutorial stays turned on.


yeah, trade and general chat are now appearing in all of my chat windows, not just the main one. i disable them, relog, and they are back in all the windows again. very annoying…


I’ve reported this bug yesterday and today. I just disabled all my chat in the options for now.


I’m turning off chat channels on all my toons every time I log into them. It’s just not saving settings since the patch.


Still ongoin - though wanted to add that it seems the objective arrows that mark the map have vamoosed also.

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This is an intermittent issue. Mine arrows were gone yesterday. Are back today. No idea why I have them now and others don’t but important piece of info for whomever is looking into this problem.

All de-selected chat channels are automatically re-activated on every log in. I have to manually disable them again every time on every character login.

If I log out and back in immediately, they all reset again. This started just today for me after the patch this morning.

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This is STILL happening… 3 days of maintenance in a row and they can’t even fix this thing they broke to start with… next time, PTR your patches you clowns… Oh wait… my bad, this is just a small indie dev.


Still broken after maintenance again.


Oh goodie I thought I was the only one dealing with this crap.

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This is THE big issue for me with trade being in every chat window. This needs to be fixed ASAP! Trade chat is just a bit too much sometimes.

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Yep, even after the maintenance they did, still no fix; What even is happening.


I wouldn’t expect a fix until the Plunder game is removed. For some reason they can’t fix it.

I made a macro with the following lines:
/chatexit trade
/chatexit services
/chatexit lookingforgroup
After running the macro, the settings are persistent between logoff / logon.


If so, its a sad statement on Blizzard’s level of quality control and design.

I am having the same issues. The services channel gets re-enabled, and the character health bar numbers disappear each login.

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Yes, I noticed that too

this is still happening. Blizzard, fix your damn game

The display for health bars and mana bars is still gone. It has not displayed the percentages since the patch came out.

I see this on peoples streams as well as my own ui of course, I have tried turning off the percentages and back on, still nothing, tried relogging with it off then turning it back on, still not showing. I tried using plater to fix it, still didn’t show.

Chat issue I am having as well. Not an addon issue.

The health display thing can be fixed by going to Options > Controls > Interface > Status Text: set it to “none” then back to whatever you want it to. It stayed on after that.

The other thing I’m having issues with is the highlighted quest objectives, at least in world quests. Best example would be doing the one where you burn the eggs in Ardenweald or clicking the 3 runes to open the treasure chest(s) in Maldraxxus. I couldn’t get that to turn back on.

I did notice that only one of my 2 accounts had the issue with the display text. The account with War Within had the issue. The account without did not.