Trade chat and defnse chat are broken

what happened to the chats /1 and /2 and /3 do not work

Try /resetchat or a full UI reset


that let me see yell and say and guikld chat but i can not see the trade chat and defense

Resetting your UI to default settings can resolve various display and interface issues. Before performing these steps, please temporarily uninstall any addon management software you are using. Addon managers will re-sync the data cleared by these steps.

  1. Completely exit World of Warcraft.
  2. Uninstall any addon managers to make sure they don’t re-add your removed addons.
  3. In the Blizzard desktop application, click Options and select Show in Explorer (Windows®) or Reveal in Finder (Mac®).
  4. Open the World of Warcraft® folder.
  5. Open the folder for the game version you’re troubleshooting (retail, classic_era, or classic)
  6. Rename the Cache, Interface, and WTF folders to CacheOld, InterfaceOld, and WTFOld.
  7. Re-launch World of Warcraft so the changes can take effect.

where do you find options???

Have you tried /resetchat ?

yup I think that is what I ended up doing