Tracking the First WoW Classic Naxxramas Kills

It is when you actually a highly coordinated raid with 15+ melee that actually know how to use but it but with these pathetic low level trolling attempts that’s something I’m sure you’ll never have to worry about :joy:

Oh no, 1% of raiders are stacking warriors! WAHHHHH ABUSE DEGENERATES

There’s a reason Blizzard patched it out so keep on with these pathetic 5 year old troll attempts it’s really quite pathetic when you’re probably 25+ years old yikes

Oh yeah, Blizzard changed it so it must be justified. LOL

It was completely justified anyone who actually knows what’s going with classic knows it was completely justified.

These low trolling attempts don’t change that in the least.

If Blizzard is tracking when Level 19 warrior alts get to 225/225 First Aid, you can log mine at 02:29 PST Friday 12/4/2020.

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So that’s it? It’s over?

Maybe for a few people. My guild won’t start its first Naxx attempt until this evening.



We are going in tonight also.
We’re just a casual guild that wants to eventually clear Naxx.

If we get a wing down tonight we will consider that a good run.
But, we are going to have fun doing it, however far we get.

Random mega hardcore guild clears Naxx first day/week

“But your guild didn’t…”


You need to take into consideration that people know how to play WoW now and not only that, with all the addons on now compared to Vanilla, it makes things so much easier. I was lucky enough to get to clear half of Naxx 40 in Vanilla and we didn’t have most of these addons now and would have definitely helped.

Plus people have been doing this also on illegal servers before Classic. TBH, I thought more would have cleared some by now.

That is because knowing something is difficult, and doing something difficult, are different things. :wink:

In order to get server first there’s a guild on my server that went back for world buffs 3 different times. Their whole clear took over 8 hours.

What a joke.

It’s also just really really easy

LFR is harder than most classic raid bosses.

But there’s more to it. How many guilds had enough frost resist to survive sapphiron ready to go on launch day? How many guilds had more than 4 tanks ready for the horsemen, and even then which of the normal offtanks had enough gear? Who had actually seens and practiced the safety dance?

People are VASTLY underestimating the impact of knowing what was coming.

lol, no they aren’t :slight_smile:

Sure, it’s clear that having longer access to gearing up has made a difference.

But back to my original point, if that’s the case, then those whole idea of Classic is a failure, right? It’s no longer a raid marathon, but a raid race… worse that retail.

There’s no accomplishment or longevity to it. It’s just a throwaway.

Encourage what garbage? Doing raids?

what even is this post? lol

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Encouraging the esport-race garbage. If guilds were steamrolling content during vanilla, the devs would actually rein it in and make it challenging, not applaud the ones who steamrolled it.

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