Tracked Quests Keep Disappearing. Anyone Else?

Every time I log in now, I have to go into my quest log and re “track” all the quests that I had been tracking. And after I re track them, if I log out, they disappear again.


been happening to me all day

Yes, tracked achievements too.


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Same, it’s happening to me and several linked a bug post on it.

And here I thought I messed up and add on or something. Good to know.

I have the opposite issue where the quests for trading post are still being tracked out of the blue on most if not all my toons…

I figured out how to fix this, thanks to someone else. Log into every single character and untrack them. DO NOT log into the same character twice before you finish or it’ll just start all over again. Once you untrack them on every character, they won’t show up ever again!

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I’ve had a couple of alts have all their quests spontaneously untracked this week.

Also, a random reply I made a few years ago to someone having the same issue has been getting upvotes this week … so I it looks like there might be a few people out there googling it.