Toxicity within the gaming/twitch sphere

Should have been a plumber, then I could monetise my bum.

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Why wasn’t this posted somewhere it might be seen by this streamer’s viewers? Probably because OP wasn’t motivated by any desire to actually improve the situation, preferring instead to do his virtue-signalling here, exactly where it won’t accomplish anything.

the guy with the highest iq in america (and possibly the world) is a rancher. and an antisemite.

high iq/good education doesn’t make you not an idiot. :man_facepalming:


Yeah that is true. I’m in a STEM field so it jades my thinking a bit. I have a friend with a masters in some sort of psychology & he doesn’t even use it & isn’t even in the field. Then there’s my cousin with a business degree whose a waiter.


Trust me bro

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Dont you need to be out tipping your fedora somewhere?

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Yes. It isn’t ideal that they will act that way, but it should be expected (especially on something anonymous like the internet) because you know it’s going to happen.

i know quite a few math phds who make very little money. obviously there’s a big difference between being in academia and going to work for a hedge fund or whatever!

i have a few friends who’s majors were things like women’s studies or philosophy. all that money spent on expensive degrees. guess what their income level is right now?

And this has what to do with GD and WoW?

Be prepared to have your post cancelled or moved, or possibly both.

I’m not sure. I dropped out and make good money. Plenty of the people I work with (colleagues, clients, vendors) didn’t get degrees in finance. I think the idea that “X degree can only get you a job in Y” is much less appropriate than it used to be.