Toxicity within the gaming/twitch sphere

I’m gonna get into a long lengthy incoherent rant so i apologize if u read this. This in response to is calling a woman “thicc” an insult post.

It reaaaaally shocks me just how BAD some of my fellow men are. I follow this woman on twitch cus shes funny and smart. She has a MASTERS! BUT because she wears a top that shows cleavage she is inundated with disgusting comments. I can’t even repeat 99% of them (thicc being the tamer ones) but you can imagine its full of requests and slang and peoples intentions.

No, shes noone popular, she averages 200 people a stream. She lampoons the “hottub meta” by puting a timer on for 10 minutes and if nobody says anything terrible for 10 minutes she will put on a bikini, This. has. not.happened. once.

It’s ok to find people attractive and its no wonder why the vast majority of these cretins are single. I am engaged to be married, do people think I found my life partner by saying “eyy bby wan sum fk” No! Have some respect for others.


some time , pepole need a slap


Damn straight.

K this is neither a console a non-blizzard game or a pc hardware purchase so…

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ya like if they say u have bf then be all hit on to u , u can do hit them back , no with hit on , regaler hit , slap then then u say to me if u do i say goodjob

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I hope she sees this bro.


She won’t see this.

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Vtubers > any twitch streamer.

So you’re hoping to see her in a bikini?


I dont understand what the hell you’re saying





  1. publicly criticize (someone or something) by using ridicule, irony, or sarcasm.

I…. I don’t think they want to marry the streamer…

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I see many female streamers that show as much skin as Twitch allows to gain views, what do you expect comments to be for them?

Also many women do fall for drunkards at the bar with stupid pickup lines, I’ve seen it time and time again. The moment the lines stop gaining attention, and the moment women stop playing skin wars on Twitch things may change…


I’m engaged your insult is meaningless.

Imagine complimenting a girl in a way many,…MANY men can relate to, and then offending a game forum.

Call a girl fat, and thats bad. Call her thick, as written Thicc, then my friend you are complimenting a girl on her attractiveness.

I thought girls got over this in the 90s with the big butt love that was everywhere then? oh and the whole PHAT thing people said, mmmember that?

Lets talk about toxicity of the wow forum “sphere” (was that a low key fat joke btw?)

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Almost as if objectifying women causes toxicity.

Sure thing bro.

Times change. I used to be sorta like my descriptor post but then i grew up. Growing up means A. You’re a simp B. I’m only saying these things because i want XYZ to happen. Thats telling everyone people cant be decent without an ulterior motive which is absolute BS, its pawning off responsibilty to be a decent human being.

Explain this.