Toxicity by Class/Race Choice

I don’t think it’s a class/race thing.

I think it’s just hardcore PVPers, or people who a horrible at PVP and bark loudly to make up for their hurt ego.

Can usually see them running around spamming spells and griefing RPers by dueling in RP areas; their names and guild names usually don’t follow the naming rules, either… further griefing. Yelling dumb things.

One PVP guild even named themselves after a RP guild, with the PVP guild’s name being non-RP itself, to insult them… a major ToS violation, yet their name remains intact.

I can’t account for World PVP, considering I haven’t done any recently… but when I played on a PVP server, people would corpse camp you without mercy. One told me to “bring my main”, so I’m guessing that’s the mentality behind some of it. But it comes off as horrible behavior regardless.

I’ve met 2 hardcore PVPers that were nice. Others… I keep my distance from them.

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You do realize people play multiple toons. classes/races,etc. How are you to determine what their main is,etc. To determine such things.


Blood elf DH and human paladin.

Otherwise you’d be saying demon hunters and belf pallies… like I do.

Your right about Tauren though… we’re the best.