Toxicity by Class/Race Choice

Generally speaking, do you find peoples’ behavior dictates their class and race choice? Are they more likely to behave one way or another because of what they’re playing as (or rather, does it inform their behavior)?

Personally, I find that the most spiteful people tend to play Orc Warriors and Undead Rogues. They’re the ones who, after beating you in PvP, will hop over to the opposite faction, and whisper “lol get rekt” before /ignoring you and logging. They’re the ones who will see you’re dealing sub-optimal DPS in LFR and say, “boot this piece of trash, I’m not here to carry”.

Meanwhile, the kindest and most understanding players tend to play things like Tauren Druid or Pandaren anything.

Anyone else notice this, or is it just confirmation bias from me?


Never experienced that in all my years, :man_shrugging:


I notice certain classes more than anything. Rogue, hunter, and Paladins tend to be the most toxic overall, however warriors and locks it seems are concentrated toxic when they are. Not saying other classes dont have toxic folks that play them, just my experience.


You want to come over here and say that?! Huh!? Come here you boat licking tree monster, fight me! I’ll finish what the drust started!

I mean, uh. Yeah, those human paladins are jerks.


:frowning: only thing toxic are my daggers


Not all of us undead rogues are bad. I do t world PvP and would never log on an alt because more than likely I’d be the one that was rekt.

Ah this made me laugh but alas, I engage not in the Warmode. Usually.

I’m a pandaren and I’m a monster. I just kill everyone weaker than me in warmode, camp quest givers and just torment everything I can clutch my chubby little paws around till it dies.

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Human Paladin
BE Female X Class (especially female BE Plate classes -holy paladin)
Human female with QT suffix (this admittedly is no longer the “cool kids” thing)

If you were Horde, we could have been besties.


I have never met Human Paladin who hasn’t attacked me on sight.

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Fem tauren druids are possibly the sweetest human beings to grace this earths.

Male tauren are usually very nice too, but when they’re dicks, they can be REAL dicks.

Human Male Paladins are really irritating, by and large. Kind of like the unfunny guy in class who thinks he’s funny, smart, charming and brilliant. Thus, he never shuts up, always argues with the teacher, makes cringy attempts at flirting with the opposite sex.


Wife is a worgen druid. She’s pretty nice. She gets mad when I run around killing everything. I really haven’t met a hostile worgen or a cow that came off mean or cruel. Edgy worgen though are edgy, but not exactly bad for it.

I’m just trying to get immersed bro also human paladins are the only people out there that will actually help each other as well.

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I imagine this one-eyed pandaren grinning maliciously while choking the life out of a blood elf.

With their last breath, they gurgle out the words, “I’ll… get help…”

To which she whispers, “No one will believe you.”

Then the belf is standing as a ghost near the spirit healer all like :neutral_face: “well hell.”


I mean I could pick any faction, class, server, nationality, or spec choice and make the same statements depending on a person’s experience so there’s not really a pattern.

I haven’t encountered too many people jumping over to give me crap – it’s more common in world pvp especially when it involves premades as premades like to brag and premades don’t like to lose. However win or lose it’s not really a trigger point for me so they don’t accomplish much.

I always felt like blood dk tanks were more likely to get nasty and toxic in LFR (dungeons or raids) maybe because playing a dk is supposed to be an edgy statement but I don’t really have any evidence for that.

We also know which servers have a reputation for being complete buttheads when it comes to anything such as Tich and Azralon in general and often (but not always) ED when it comes to PVP.

Ya the 4 people who play on ED are totally toxic.

Yeah, all the Alliance races. They’re always trying to kill me for some reason.

But for real, the race/class that seems to be the worst usually depends on what race/class I happen to be playing at the moment.

LOL, ya I admit ED isn’t what it was.

I’m a cowardly, back-stabbing, lowbie-ganker, but I’m at least polite and honest about it.