Toxicity by Class/Race Choice

One of my heroic antorus pugs had a downright VILE tauren druid that berated everyone. I just kicked him and moved on.

That’s just one instance. I don’t think race/class has any bearing on someone being a jerk.

scoffs I’m not toxic, I’m venomous there is a difference :roll_eyes:

That digs deep.


that ONE person in the entire world who plays that male pandaren mage… You know who you are.

Last time I raided on this Toon was in WoD. I’d get kicked or declined all the time, and I’d never get salty about it. I think rets are/were more angry because, at least in that expansion, all our good weapons dropped from final bosses so it was a bit of “not good enough to get there, so you won’t be getting there, which would make you good enough to get there, but no chance for you.” I’m only doing LFR from now on and stopping there, I have no interest in trying to play this character competitively.

I’ve met a lot of toxic people in this game to be sure, but I couldn’t say they were all from a particular set of classes, but before we had the colored names half the time you weren’t sure what class someone was anyway if they just crap-posted in chat or something, which is what annoys me more than anything.

Three words: Human. Male. Paladin


Female human rogues are among the most aggressive creatures on Azeroth.

Humans or Blood Elves players for the most part I find rudest but I think that is because those are the 2 most common races played so i run into them more than others.

Not saying all of you are, just more common.

What up homie?!?!


This but he got beat and sent me hateful messages.

Feel free to whisper me so I can change your mind about that. :unamused:

Anyways I dont judge by class/race combos. I hate all rogues equally. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Please to fall off the zanda pyramid k thanks!

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<<<< Am dorf Pally. I just wanna heal/tank, drink a few hard ciders and then randomly give out gold to people. The human Paladins, eh, they’re a wee bit more stuck up the Light’s backside, aye? Get 'em drunk, though, and you’ll have a fair bit of laughs. :smiley:

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Fixed that for you.

Every warlock player I have run into in this game since 2005 appears to be a New-Aged Hippie type person, very ‘into themselves’ and more of the Liberal side.

If that angers you and you’re a warlock, you might want to evaluate yourself a bit.

I played an Enhancement Shaman for 6 years

Only in-so-far as PvP is concerned. There is a sub-group of dedicated griefers that always seem to roll rogues (especially the undead variety who seem to fancy themselves edge-lords). As that class is tailor made to ambush and gank people. Beyond that, all classes have good people and crappy people I’ve encountered. But that’s just my anecdotal experience. Others mileage will vary.

No, it’s just the toxicity of our city…

I can relate to this…:sunglasses:

Human male warriors. They’re so mad when they die!

/slaps weapon out of their hand lol

One thing you can be sure of : Undead rogues in the world are going to be toxic asshats.


I could have agreed with you up to the point you said Pandaren anything were the kindest. I have seen plenty unkind Pandaren on this forum.

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