Toxic trolls

Too little too late for me I barely play this current expac. I’ve been enjoying other games.

But the OP talked about…in this thread…about going into threads they dont like and calling them out.

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No, baiter type trolls prey on folks they see as easy to goad. It’s been a common problem on forums for a long time now.

Yes if you take the bait by losing your cool the baiter wins. Do not take the bait, just ignore and one day the baiter never gets their post seen. ‘ignored comment’ What an easy way to erase them from the forum they decided to infest.

It used to be addressed with a downvote.

I miss downvote.


Toxic trolls and we wonder why devs deleted bandages from the game.


You have to play game with the rulers who set this rules up… no not the devs, not the ceo and not the president. World Economic Forum.

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I’m afraid downvotes would be abused the way flags are.


Not bug, feature.

Seriously though, good luck trying to clamp down on that sort of stuff, on the internet.

Blizzard themselves have given up, lol.

I’m not sure I agree with this.

I see a few people here and there going a little too far out there, but for the most part, what one person calls constructive criticism, another calls trolling. I don’t know if there’s a really big problem beyond the general “if someone disagrees with me, they’re trolling!” vibe that lingers around here.

Abuse away. Downvotes were way more useful than nothing at all.

Supposedly “get gud” is bannable, seen one of the toxics yelling about being banned for saying it once. You could report that one at least.

the absolute irony here is that this is exactly what OP does

this guy has called me a deluded manchild who attempts to gaslight people, a toxic little troll, accused me of being incapable of reading, said i have a single braincell, and a laundry list of other stuff
it’s insane the ways people react to cognitive dissonance, but jesus christ

That would require Blizzard hiring human beings that actually live in the West. Ever since htey outsourced everything to AI or India, things have taken a sharp drop in quality.

Blizzards support system used to be the gold standard. Now it’s utter garbage and a waste of time.