Toxic players in retail are going to get a life lesson in classic

Imagine thinking Blizzard is still using 2006 era tech for their servers lmao

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Good for you

no one cares

every game has toxic players. you will see them in classic and probably blame “retail” even though vanilla had them too

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I seem to remember there was a website back in Vanilla were you would type in someone to be black listed usually for ninja looting.

oh there were definitely toxic players back in vanilla. The higher the population on a server, the more rampant you will find it too. That is the main reason I do not want to be on a high pop server. The ONLY way you will gain control and have a decent server is to not take any garbage from anyone, and that means reporting when its a reportable offense. From language to cheating to whatever, if you want to clean it up, its going to take plenty of reports. And blizzard acting on them.

I had never played any games like WoW before I started here. I lasted 8 months before I finally quit the first time, and that was mostly due to the player attitudes. I went from WoW to LoTRO. I landed on a good server there.

Here is how my first days went between WoW and LoTRO.


Me: asks a question I could not find the answer for, in chat. (I can’t remember the question).
Jerk: “If you don’t know the answer to that you are too stupid to play WoW, just quit”.

I remember those words so well. I was going to the bank from leaving the inn in IF, had just crossed over the moat when I stopped to ask the question. I was on my dwarf hunter, level five, about a week into the game. I spent the first day in game just running in and out of buildings, checking all the options in the interface, etc. Scoping things out. It took me a whole week to reach level 5 lol. I read a lot online, and that one question just had me puzzled, I couldn’t find that answer anywhere. I just can’t for the life of me, remember the question lol.


Reading chat sitting in front of the bank in the Shire. Rude person comes in and starts talking trash.

Lvl 60: “Son, we don’t talk like that in this game. If you want to be a blank you need to just go back to where you came from. If you wish to play nicely, then welcome to LoTRO. Now, how can I help you?”

Trash talker ended up being one of the most helpful players on the server. I ended up playing LoTRO for a long long time, eventually came back to WoW and played both for a long time too. Quit WoW again after RealID and cata xpacs, finally came back after spiders in LoTRO stopped me from progressing any further. Been back ever since.

I also changed from that first server to the one I’m on now, and have been on this one for years. It’s much better than the first server, I was rather surprised to see the difference.

It’s up to the community as to whether you let the toxic players control or not.


oh believe me, there are far more ‘adult’ toxic players than there are kids. I’ve found that the average are more like 25-30 yrs old than 13.

Forgot to shut my mic one night in MC raid for Dawning Nemesis in 2005. Was healing priest, son was rogue on other side of house. Started shouting to him and brought the raid to a standstill. Fortunately everyone was ROFL rather than pissed at me.

Most 25 year olds today are no more adult than a 13 year old. :sunglasses:

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Some of the most toxic players I knew back in Vanilla and TBC were leaders in big Raiding Guilds that were immune to the social policing many people talk about from that era.

Sure, the random ninja or general jerk was blacklisted but they didn’t have any real power over other players like a Raid Leader and/or Guild GM/Officer did.

I’m not saying it was common but I have one particular player in mind who was GM of a Guild I knew in Vanilla. Horrible human being but got away with it because his Guild was always the most progressed on the server.

Remember blacklisting people? That was awesome. Basically anyone that decided they weren’t going to be friendly went on a blacklist and would be talked about across the server. Everyone would eventually know who they are and they wouldn’t be played with. Great times. Great times.

Toxic players will be everywhere! Just like toxic people are everywhere in real life. But classic will shed about 75% of these toxic players, just due to the difficulty.

The rest can be weeded out by the community. Players like myself, that have been “around” in the MMORPG community dating back since 1998, are old pros at that sort of thing!

Back in the day, people weren’t any less “toxic;” they were just more thick-skinned. We didn’t demand safe spaces; we just /ignored people.

Someone made a good point about cross-realm really enabling more “toxic” behavior, because everyone you ignore is someone you’ll likely never see again, anyway. In Classic, your ignore list will actually work again.


Which raises the question: how many people can you have on your ignore list?

I wonder how much reputation’s really going to matter in the long run, especially on larger servers like Herod. Won’t there be so many people that it’ll be unfeasible to remember who actually does what, outside of cases so extreme they turn into server memes?


It literally spell checks for you… To lazy to right click, that’s toxic.

Dude…There are so many incorrect statements you just made, which makes me question whether or not you really were playing in vanilla. Where do I begin?

Vanilla didn’t have ANY cross realm content outside of BGs. Same with queueing. Again that was ONLY BGs.

Unless it was a low pop server, I HIGHLY doubt that guild would put up with a player like that for long JUST to be able to raid. Even if it was multiple people that were @sshats, it’s not like they couldn’t recruit people and carry them through raids that were on farm to gear them up to replace them.

LMAO Seriously?? Guild banks didn’t exist until TBC. Until that point it was the GM and/or Co-GMs whose personal banks were used for the guild bank. Either your memory is really bad, or as I said earlier, you never played back then

It’s because you never played an Alliance Character and been to IF or SW on /1 or /2.

Toxicity isn’t going to disappear from Classic no matter how much people think it will. It’s like a cold, it never truly goes away.

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Thing to keep in mind here is, there is toxicity, and there is elitism. People that are lucky enough to be recruited by top guilds that can manage to clear raids before the rest of us will likely become elitist to some degree, they have the gear to show off and the bragging rights for awhile sure, but it doesn’t necessarily put them in the same category as what everyone else deems as “toxic” players.

I can tolerate elitism to a certain extent, so long as they aren’t taking it to the extreme. Toxicity however should NOT be permitted. Things like this will only continue as long as the community ALLOWS it to continue

The level of toxicity during the stress test confirms toxicity will happen, a lot and often.

This is why I generally have my channels off while levelling.

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