Toxic community - harassers wielding the deserter debuff as a weapon

I’m a longtime player of WoW since before the original TBC. I learned caution, common courtesy.

I play WoW as a way to de-stress as a PWD. Or should I say - I used to.

I play DPS primarily because as much as I respect healers & tanks…

I simply don’t roll either class anymore ( unless I had support & backup as a tank, for example, ) because of the rampant stupidity of those who pull huge groups, or generally misbehaving, & then insisting upon their “imaginary right to harass people because of an assumption that they’re in retail versus Classic with a completely different style.”

I’m here to say that I go into groups with a good attitude, & realistic expectations. Show respect, you get it. I like the fact that when I meet good people with the same flavour of values, I end up having a great time.

The TL;DR of the post is that I have just about had it with people abusing the vote kick system & wielding it as a weapon along with forms of harassment - including the demeaning of women, homophobia, transphobia, etc… The TOS & social contract is pretty clear. LGBTQ discrimination is a bannable offense.

I think those good times are about done. The GM’s are not policing the chats, rather - the vote kick system is abused like a blunt harassment weapon with excessive force. The same culprits are always seen flaming chat, trolling, indulging sickening “Just Asking Questions” fallacies, & generally just being horrible, & horrific examples of human beings.

This isn’t even the end of Pride Month & Blizzard apparently wants LGBTQ dollars, however they do not actively & properly handle harassment. They do not show their work. They just say that they did something, just the results are suspiciously not visible.

If any issues in a group pop up - before one can barely even respond with, “WTF ?!” I’m already loaded into Stormwind / Orgrimmar ( depending on the faction ) with a 30 minute debuff.

Yeah, this is going places. Time to move on to a game that doesn’t cater to toxic players. I, or anyone else - shouldn’t have to need to take anti-anxiety medication in order to deal with toxicity.

I’m in the process of telling all my family, friends, & allies to boycott WoW specifically until Blizzard’s AI responses in their tickets are replaced with real humans.

I’m fully aware that COVID has been rough, & in solidarity to Blizzard workers - I’m not looking to cause stress. Just at this point, I can’t even get a ticket that doesn’t stink of AI. A Blizzard customer service phone number simply doesn’t exist - so it just looks that Blizzard doesn’t really want to find legitimate solutions - just stonewall.

I’ve cancelled my subscription. The fact that I have been a longtime customer & have had no bans, etc, should be a substantial demonstration of my integrity…

I call on other players who feel the same; to do the same as I have.

Peace, folks.

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I hope you find something that satisfies you.

Good luck in your gaming journey.

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TLDR you cancel your sub and leave a wall of text ill see you back in a few months enjoy your break.


lol good one, you got me man. Post started out pretty good, then hilarity ensued.


You’ve said alot just to say you do 3k dps as an 85 mage and get kicked out of dungeons alot because people assume you’re a bot or afk.

It’s so strange that I hardly ever run into anybody being toxic in my dungeons or raids. And the ones who are toxic generally get the boot almost instantly.

Every online game does this… they don’t tell what actions they took against the account, just that they in fact took action. It’s honestly none of your business what was done. You’ve done your part in reporting a problem, why do you need to know exactly what happened? To me… that sounds like you are just looking to get revenge on somebody who you feel slighted you in some way. That in and of itself is also pretty toxic.

I’ve never seen this happen. I’m not saying it never HAS happened, but in my close to 1000 dungeon runs to not see it, I would have to assume that it’s so rare that if it’s happening to you a lot… it’s a you problem, not a community problem.

Remember when I said toxic people get kicked quickly? You sure you’re not the person you’re complaining about?

Not really, I know a few people who have zero integrity that have never been banned. Up to and including GDKP ninjas and everything else.

K Bye! See you in a few months.

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Marked as spam. One person doesn’t need this many threads on the same subject. Btags when?


When the TLDR is longer than the actual post. :roll_eyes:


While we appreciate feedback, Varrostos, we generally do not allow “I’m quitting, this is why” threads. Instead of just locking and/or removing it, I’m going to cover a couple of things.

You may be using ban to equal suspension but just to be clear, such behavior is considered an actionable offense. What that means usually depends on the history of the account. It could mean a temporary silence if it is their first social violation, or it could be a suspension, which is applied in increasing increments until ultimately, if the behavior is not stopped, the account is closed.

Game Masters have never policed chat. It has always been a reactive process that is dependent upon other players reporting potential violations.

I’m not entirely certain what that means. You do know that we have a fairly sizable number of LGBTQIA+ folks that work all across our company, right? Sometimes a company celebrating Pride has more to do with the wishes of its employees to be seen.

Again, we do not “actively” do anything. Our polices are reactive. We also take the privacy of all users very seriously and do not provide information regarding other players.

The Vote to Kick system is a means for players to have more agency over who they are grouped with. It is done through a majority rules system. It doesn’t matter why someone votes to remove another player, if they get enough votes, they are removed.

That’s the thing, Varrostos, you have received responses from humans, throughout all of your recent tickets. If we were using AI queue times would be lower and you’d likely have far more robust answers, as AI likes to prattle on.

Our Game Masters, who usually see many of the same questions and situations tens and hundreds of times a week, use templates. The templates are designed to provide more concise information that generally covers the subject. Some Game Masters make some adjustments to their responses, but many times the base response is the same for that situation.

In your first ticket you were complaining about the Vote to Kick system and how it was being used to harass. The response you received went over that it is a player controlled system and directed you to submit feedback if you felt it should work differently.

Your second ticket, not satisfied with that answer, continued to discuss how said system could be used for harassment. The Game Master acknowledging the frustration you were experience, directed you again to submit feedback.

The third ticket, accusing our staff of being AI, discussed how your issue wasn’t being directed to the proper channels, etc… and it continues to work like that.

In each ticket you complained about the system and how it is used and abused, expecting our Support staff to do something about it. The thing is, they cannot. Players using the Vote to Kick system to vote to kick people out of the group is not abusing it.

The Vote to Kick system is strictly under the players’ control. Why they may vote to remove someone from the group is entirely immaterial.

Repeatedly asking our staff to do something that they have no power to do, punishing those who “abuse” the system or changing the functionality of it, isn’t going to allow them to. Our staff provided the ONLY outlet they can, directing you to submit feedback.

I do wish you well in wherever your gaming takes you.