Tower of Fun

Tor-GASP! Let’s rant, share tips and stories and all that :smiley:

I’ve been digging it as a sub rogue. I find it pretty fun when the Anima powers line up. They don’t always, but sometimes they synergize so well that you just slice through the thing.

  • I love First Steps, which gives your next finisher 400% increased damage – just melting packs with black powder
  • The power that makes skeletons give you 10x the phantasma is fun
  • The power that reduces the CD on crimson vial can stack until the CD is zero
  • The power that gives autoattack a 10 yd range can be used to cheese out the slime boss
  • Jack of all Trades (SB gives you AR and Vendetta) is amazing if you’re a Nightfae rogue and pick up Poisoned Rush (if sepsis doesn’t kill an enemy, SB CD is reset)

What else… I like saving up the Plundered Anima Cell until the sixth floor :open_mouth:


Said in a different thread: The Death Knight anima powers show us that Blizzard still knows how to make things fun and a little wacky, and even sneak in some things that make you go “How isn’t that a talent.”

The Paladin ones have a weird obsession with Divine Steed for a “dungeon” that doesn’t (currently) have too much backtracking.

The same goes for ghost wolf and soulshape. Ele shaman also has a weird number of traits that affect stuff like chain heal which is very strange.

The nature of Torghast + ele burst means that ele actually feels better there than anywhere else in the game which is a double-edged sword. And that’s before you start picking up traits.

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Only run on my DK and Hunter, but they are both pretty fun. DK’s powers are definitely more flavorful than Hunter.

I specifically get a kick out of the powers that modify Death Grip. I dont remember all the names, but on one run my pull did an aoe knock down, disarmed and turned their weapon into an ally that fought for me. I think there was one more, but it was all on a cooldown that refreshed on killing an enemy so in aoe packs it was hilarious!

I enjoy them, but they also fall in with what’s become a recurring theme of Shadowlands: someone else always seems to have a much cooler toy than I do.

Which there will always be issues like that, I’m aware. But it’s wild to go like “oh neat, I can use Vendetta slightly faster” and my Death Knight friends are like “wow all four horsemen are with me!”

Same with Covenants and classes, honestly. How some have so much and others have so few is kind of wild.

And my Icebound Fortitude summons a frost wyrm above me!

And my Lichborne causes me to mercilessly fling Death Coils into my target for huge damage, or if I’m near death they go to me so I’m immortal!

And I get all eight of my class specific special weapon enchants!

And Vampiric Blood turns me 30% bigger and gives me 30% more strength to match!

Yeah a lot of the other class powers seem… really lackluster compared to the “What if…” session that clearly went around DK.

I have an anima power that makes my poison and bleed do more poison and bleed :slight_smile:


There’s a few related to mind control I never pick up because I don’t really know what to do with it unless there’s a cliff I can make things run off of

I enjoy Aspect of the Turtle no longer forces you to be unable to fight and lasts 100% longer.

Yesterday though I had a giant trash pack on the 8 layer 5th floor and I handled it with the Binding Shot increasing Crit chance against targets by 100%, resonating arrow anima’d up to 50% crit, Volley, Explosive Shot, and Double Tapped Rapid Fire.

The poor addon I have that plays Michael Jackson sounds on crit noises went overboard. I thought I was in a music video.

Like this but sped up 3x.

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Whenever I get the free Bloodlust per totem dropped, the “every totem drops another random totem” (fishing for the best combinations with free Windfury totem casts), and the +damage/healing% per totem down on a single run I just bask in the gravy of it all.

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I once got 6 Golden Plumes on Loh when it was still 100% plus to the effect of Avenging Wrath.

That poor boss. He got evaporating in Chain Daddy’s pleasure tower.

My Outlaw Rogue “Cheese” Guide:

Take Iron Stomach Talent

Take Retractable Hook

Take the following Anima Powers:

Restless Onyx Geodes - Grappling Hook causes you to gain 15 seconds of Cloak of Shadows, Evasion, Feint or Crimson Vial. I believe you can only get one per exploration, but I could be wrong.

Slippery Wraithcoil x3 (As many as you can, honestly, but 3 is good) - Grappling Hook is reduced by 6 seconds and it generates 1 combo point.

Crimson Vial (3 is the maximum you need but it’s honestly just for spamming it faster so any amount works) - Crimson Vial’s cooldown reduced by 10 seconds.

Obleron Endurance (As many as you can) - Increases maximum health by 15%.

And, of course, any and all huge damage increase buffs like Jack of All Trades and any stat-increasing ones. Just focus on getting the ones I mentioned and then loading yourself up on damage animas.

What this does:

Makes you literally invincible for all fights due to just consistently spamming Grapple Hook every 1-3 seconds or just weaving one in every time your Restless Blades passive resets Grapple Hook. It is extremely easy to get all the buffs rolling on you at once by just grapple hooking very fast next to you and gaining a powerful defensive for 15 seconds.

You’re not losing out on damage, either, because getting more of the Slippery Wraithcoils gives you combo points for doing Grapple Hook so you’re weaving in Dispatches/SnD/BtE/Cheap Shots or whatever you so please as if you were using Sinister Strike. With 3-4 Slippery animas, I was getting full combo points every time I did one grapple hook.

I was able to solo all the Layer 8 Floors of previous Torghast levels pre-nerfs with this build. The bosses, even with huge amounts of stacks of that anti-cc and damage buff, were rarely if ever able to touch me. And when they did, I took only a small chunk of damage due to stacking the Maximum Health buff.

Who knew having bare-permanent defensive buffs while having as much if not more health than a tank would trivialize something?


-Clear the entire floor of every level. As you can see, we need ALL the Phantasma and Animas we can get, so this requires us to full clear floors. It might seem like a hassle and you want to just stealth past everything, but getting this stuff is very important and will make your life easier. Also, it gets ridiculously easier each level every time you full clear with the build I mentioned. Takes me like 20-30 minutes tops to clear a Layer 8 now.

Have fun, my fellow Outlaw rogues.

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Tips for arcane mages:

stack runecloth wrappings

That’s it, there’s nothing else.

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Yeah but I will never have a better run than the time I got Crumbling Aegis right at the final boss. Minute and a half divine shield. Boss turned into a pinata.

I like getting the buffs that make my dots last longer and do more damage and the buff that increases the amount of damage needed to break psychic scream.

Then with my existing spec abilities to instant cast all my dots on things, I just run around like a goober dotting and screaming at everything until it dies.

I did a Torghast run last night and I don’t know if it’s a combination of improved gear and the above buffs but I cheesed threw it no problem by just dotting the heck outta everything and screaming at it. A lot better than the run I did early last week where I got to the boss and could just barely defeat it.

lightning bolt does 50% more damage. lava burst does 60% more damage. increase the healing of healing stream totem by 100%.

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I’m having fun with blowing up entire groups with Entangling Roots. I also like stacking the “25% more damage 5 seconds after coming out of prowl” power. It almost makes me feel as strong as a sub rogue.


I’m just gonna gush over my last run because it was so absurdly powerful. I’ll start by explaining my 3 minute cooldown, summon infernal.

Summons a big infernal lad to deal AoE fire damage while generating me soul shard fragments over time. It’s a fairly strong cooldown on its own, especially in packs of mobs.

I got 4 of the same anima power that makes my summon infernal spawn an additional infernal. That’s 5 infernals. Then I got a power that increases the duration of my infernals to 1 minute and gives them a chance to consume soul remnants to do 100% more damage. I also got 2 powers that increase summoned demon (my infernal) damage by 50% each.

On the last boss, single target, I did 16k dps with my infernals doing 80% of my damage. On our largest pull I did 30k dps. I had infernals everywhere, it was insane. This is the destruction equivalent of getting 4 extra stacks of avenging wrath or 4 stacks of icy veins. That last 1 minute with a chance to double the damage bonuses. That is already doubled.

I wasn’t stuck in there with the Jailer’s forces. Nor were they stuck in there with me. We were all stuck in there with the infernals.


“Run around screaming for an hour” does seem like the best summary for Torghast.

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I really like the abilities that affect “players and enemies.” PvP in Torghast confirmed.

Also the hunter eyes of the beast one is a head scratcher but maybe could be fun