In the patch notes for today’s update it says "Totems can no longer be targeted with “totem stomping” macros.
They changed this in 3.2.0 originally but are making the change in tbc classic. While I agree this is a welcome change due to shamans already struggling in pvp content at what point do we just start picking random things from wrath to add into tbc
What’s next paid race and faction changes? Dual spec? Will blizzard dare to add beast cleave into the game early? Heaven forbid they add the barber shop
They’ve started doing this ever since the release of TBCC. We’ve been playing #somechanges TBCC since the beginning. I’m expecting for it to go #allthechanges before the end of TBCC.
Uh, OP, where have you been? The Tinnitus debuff that we got is also a change made in WOTLK. They also gave paladins both factions’ seals, another change from WOTLK.
Blind was changed to phyical on the ZA patch. Having last patch balance in phase 1 blows. You could also purge mage armor in s1 but that was changed in the sunwell patch to be undispellable. So it kinda explains why mage/rogue is giga powerful right now.
Any changes that make the game better should be made. Duel spec, removal of arena teams, barbershop, etc. QoL changes that directly improve player engagement are always good changes. Note things like LFR directly reduce player engagement and should be avoided. Altering class balance is also probably a no go. At the end of the day however, the more people you have interacting with your servers community to run content, the better.
I personally play classic for the world and class design. I know many others do as well. Retails progression & classes have turned people off for years now.
I would play WoTLK for years upon years if new raids/pvp seasons were added. Every class is just a blast to play in wrath.
There’s good changes that happened over the years. I understand people don’t see them in the “classic spirit”, but a lot of them helped propel the game into the highlight that it was.