This is going to be a really dumb question I am aware. (I am on a coffee strike!)
So I wanted to complete the nemesis quests and get those titles (the ones where you kill 500 of the opposite faction back from WOD era). Is it considered “win trading” (not sure if thats the proper term either) if I just make a toon on a starter acc and kill it repeatedly (this is also assuming I can even make a lvl 20 have a garrison that gives the quests out). Otherwise I will just grind out in Ashran Classic brawls lol.
Thanks lol. I was unsure it sounded like id get in troubnle in my head but figured no harm in asking. Ashran brawls and years to do some of the races I have left it is (until WOD remix!)
At least you asked and made sure before you did it. You spared yourself from breaking the ToS, and for that I am happy for. I do hope that you are able to get it, though!
If I’m thinking of the correct quests, then you can do this with two accounts. For instance the Nemesis: Death stalker requires you to kill 500 Forsaken players across Draenor.
It’s so very tedious (I gave up after a few hundred kills on some races) but you need to level up alts to the point you gain honor (have to be close in level range to you) and just park them near a graveyard. Kill them on your main. Rinse and repeat. They get a debuff so they won’t count for a while after they revive. You can cycle through alts while you go.
Obviously the usual don’t make multiboxing streamlined in any way rules apply.
If you were wanting to do this in a BG then yeah that wouldn’t be allowed for win trading at all.
This would be my interpretation as well. You’re neither blocking team progress nor gaming any rating systems, I don’t see how this would be win trading. It’s self-made world pvp.
No, this type of win trading is against the rules PERIOD. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a battleground or not. Anyone doing this risks account actions.
Except it’s not win trading. Win trading is specifically doing queued content and deliberately winning or losing in a determined fashion.
Killing your own characters in the open world in ungrouped content is not win trading.
Blizzard could easily make you either unable to kill your own characters or have them not count as kills at all. This method of getting PvP stuff done has existed for as long as there has been PvP.
I’ll stress again though that doing anything to streamline the killing/accounts or doing queued content would indeed be against the rules.
But parking an alt out in the open world in warmode and killing them is not against any rules I’ve seen mentioned anywhere.
I’ll gladly edit/remove my posts if there is a support article/CoC/EULA stating that it is wrong.
Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.
And before you try to rules lawyer and say “oh well it’s only win trading in certain cirumstances”, no it’s not. The rules are deliberately vague for a reason, so people won’t be able to rules lawyer it.
Be my guest if you want to try it, I don’t work for Blizzard. But the in-game code of conduct serves as the warning, and you’re putting your account at risk by doing it.
I don’t know who is right here (which means I would advise not doing it at all), but this passage is not really applicable to what Jeysca is saying.
It’s not really trading wins, as it’s only with yourself. It’s not degrading anyone else’s experience; in fact, someone could get to the second character and kill them first to earn the points. It’s all open PvP, and anyone can join in.
However, where I would say to be cautious is that it seems to end around the intention of earning kills against another player, not just killing a stationary AFK target 500 times for an achievement. I would advise to not try it and just grind Ashran for the achievements.
This is good advice, best not to risk it and hope that Vrak or Orlyia offer some insight, though I suspect that they may not as it falls into rules nuances
… I agree with that. The excerpt from the EULA just states the words “win trading”, and there is behavior that unequivocally is win trading. However, the OP’s question/scenario doesn’t really neatly fall into that behavior.
The question isn’t about win trading’s legality (which is all the EULA is addressing). It’s about if the OP’s scenario itself is or isnt win trading. Feels gray to me.
But there’s no expectation that you’ll get one, because no one on the forums (not even the SFAs) is going to give a go/no-go on a dubious proceeding.
Proceed at your own risk and don’t be surprised if, once it’s brought to a GM’s attention, it gets actioned. It may not, but if it does, it wouldn’t be surprising.
I hate, detest, deplore PvP. I’m just not good at it.
However, I am a collector of achievements. So - you’re all saying that it would be against the rules for me to get my husband to log into his Alliance Alt and let me kill it over, and over, and over to get some of the PvP achievements done? We wouldn’t be in an arena, a battleground, or any other type of rated play field. No gold (real or otherwise) would be changing hands.
I mean - obviously - I wouldn’t do it if against the rules, but dang I don’t want to do PvP.
Some are saying yes, some are saying no. Realistically, it’s just unclear, so I would not encourage it for the risk of getting into trouble on your account. Hopefully, a Blizzard support forum staff member could offer insight but it’s not necessarily something they can clarify.
I would not risk my account by killing my own characters over and over again to get this done. No quest or anything is worth risking an account over and if investigated this could mean trouble.