Torrential Fragments

Solo is crap. Get in a group. Takes a while, but drop is better as more mobs are going down. got mine today

2 fragments dropped then nothing same with crackin shards got 3 then nothing same with other mounts that items drops are needed

Played in a group for an hour and got nothing, I wasnā€™t even getting iron or gold

I agree with OP! I got all the others even the one that is supposed to drop from the Squid Mob, but I got it from fishing right behind him! I seem to be getting one Torrential Fragment a day after farming all day during the Storm! I never have luck normally during anything that needs to be farmed but this is just insane! The Lizard mount that we need to feed each day is fine & it makes sense, but the fragments do not!

Iā€™ve been wearing my ring since I got it and Iā€™m not getting anywhere near that drop rate.

Iā€™ve gotten 2 torrential frags since the event started.

I got all the others already and used them to unlock their pillars already.

Just need 5 more torrential to complete.

Started the day off with 1.
Farmed for 2 hours got 1 more.

The drop rate is way too low


Its not that bad, took me about 3 hours to get my 7

same for me, i farmed for an hou and half, and got 1, some in my party got 3 or 4 , it is good ole RNG that sucks, but you can fish them up too ?? .

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At the 8 hour mark (total farm time, not straight farming) I got my first fragmentā€¦ sheesh.
Oddly, the next 6 fragments all dropped within a 2 hour window. I almost wonder if there was a bug that was keeping them from dropping for so long.
Also, I kind of figured my luck was spent for a while after finally getting the warglaives of Azzinoth.
Good luck to the ones still farming. :dracthyr_heart:

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Do them in a group. The mobs donā€™t really take esport skill mechanics to beat down or anything and itā€™s way more efficient. I think it took me about 2 hours to get it.

I got the mount yesterday. Iā€™m one of those weirdos who actually likes Siren Isle. =)

Thunderous Key was the trickiest for me because I heard they could drop from non storm chests but I wasnā€™t having any luck there. I also heard (incorrectly) they were in chests around the bottom of the water but didnā€™t see any lol. I switched to Storm mode, copied the coords off WoWhead and it took me about an hour or two. I got everything in storm mode IIRC.

Pure RNG thenā€¦ I pretty much stayed by Zek and farmed him and the skeletons and Talon whenever they were up along with all the normal filler mobs in the area.

I got 3 fragments from the big squid rare. I only killed him like 7 or so times.

Got my keystone on the second kill along with a fragment so I went back a few times for more fragments.

I donā€™t get the comments about passive farming, thereā€™s literally nothing else on the island to do


I donā€™t think you can fish up Torrential Fragments, no. Cyclone Runekey, yes.

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yea , Iā€™ve been doing those things also.

might be bad rng, but Iā€™ve farmed that storm for hours and got nothing.

I did get 2 more today right in camp from the crabs.

Got Marmaduke also :smiley:

So not mad.

I got a doggie that does tricks!


8:53pm local time

I just got the last Torrential fragment I needed and claimed my mount

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Iā€™ve been trying for days and havenā€™t found a single one. I have everything else. I hate this!!!

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How many players who finished this ā€œgrindā€ early on or farmed hours and hours for it, are actually using the Stormcrow mount?

I spammed Zek for it since it was easier to just sit in one place chasing after both the key and fragments. I picked up 3 fragments before the key dropped, so I stayed put until I looted all 7.

Took easily over 150 attempts to finish.

I use it. Itā€™s a pretty mount, but theres a lot of jank. The ā€œstormingā€ spell effect has a big square border that should be invisible but is, in fact, highly visible.

Itā€™s also pretty wompy in motion when dynamic flying. It does make random hawk noises though. So thatā€™s a plus.

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Drop that mindset right now. thats not the player base, you know it and Blizz knows it yet they continue to pull crap like this. We yell at them on every form of media and they ultimately are forced to "change " their minds. Just like the new special ring aka BORROWED POWER something else they said they wouldnā€™t do again.

I got it yesterday, itā€™ll be in my mount rotation whenever they fix the animation hitching bug it has.