Torrential Fragments

“Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren”

It’s a stormcrow mount.

I just discovered something. I wasn’t wearing the ring because it was a net dps loss for me. But I put it on as an experiment and my first Zek kill wearing it I got a fragment to drop.

RNG? Or is wearing the ring required… inquiring minds want to know.


My only complaint is that it’s a catch-up zone and the fragments are BoP, so if you take alts there you’ll end up with fragments across your account you can’t combine which sounds horrible. :no_mouth:

Skyshards for Alani, abyssal fragments for Nazjatar Blood Serpent, and crackling shards for Alunira are all either BoE or warbound which ducks this problem. Not doing so for torrential fragments seems like an oversight.


it’s a catch up zone and you don’t spend that much time in the storm phase. I mean you CAN but unless you are specifically doing this nonsense once you do a couple very quick quests you probably want to bounce back out of the storm. And you can’t farm these outside the storm.

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Can you explain what activities users are supposed to be doing in the Storm which would allow these to be organically collected over time?


Not saying it’s good or bad, but it says something when 14 out of 31 groups in the Custom section of the group finder are farming torrential frags.


Mount collectors are going to collect.

And just to add my own “this isn’t evidence” data point:
– Without the ring on - 1 fragment over two days
– With the ring on - 6 fragments in 4 hours

I’ve had the ring on since I got it socketed, just in case it was needed for island stuff. Between 5.5 and 6hrs played, in the storm, zero frags have dropped for me. Actively farmed mobs for nearly 2 hours straight before taking a short break here and there.
Asinine drop rate on these things.


ive finished all other content on the isle that exists so far. i have over 9000 flame blessed iron. i have the other 4 keys.

i have gotten ONE torrential fragment.


I’ve finished the two earthen (dwarven) cosmetic armor quests involving 100 drops from mobs on the isle. This was in storm phase, and I got only 1 Torrential Fragment over at least 4-5 hours yesterday.

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are you in storm mode?

there is a hyperish-spawn of skeletons, etc north of the crystal. I joined a guy there and we farmed them for about an hour and I got the last 5 i needed.

I had gotten one from one of those glowing chests and one from zek’ul the shipbreaker farming for the crystal he drops.

by the way, if you farm him for the crystal, fish in between his spawns. there is a big skeleton next to him. It took me <100 casts and I started with zero tww fishing. I did buy a fishing hat with +32 perception and enchanted my gloves with +2 fishing.

it’s just a low chance. join a group and farm for 1-2 hrs and it’s done

I did that for much longer than 2 hours and got 1. Thanks.

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to be fair, I am past the passive farming portion because I did all the current things. I’m left with farming atm.

Luckily, it’s been fun farming with the opposite faction. I love when orange names don’t communicate and share the same page as if they did.

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I’m not putting words in your mouth. In your posts your complaining about the rng drop rate on the FIRST day of a patch that’s supposed to hold us over for a couple of weeks. You even say it’s making you mad that the drop rate is bad. You couldn’t even give it a week. This entire thread was started because you are upset. Have some patience and self control people.

If you weren’t mad about it, you wouldn’t have posted a complaint about it. Again on day 1of the patch.

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Join a farming group.

Got all 7 pretty quickly, idk how long it took but got the mount and the 10k mount.

What’s kind of funny is the name sort of suggests they’d be in ample supply.


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When did you do this? I’ve seen some people say there was a hotfix that made the drop rate worse, but if you got this done last night or today, your experience would be a counter-example.

Did it on Wednesday

I’m fine with them dropping over time as I come there to do other things even if it takes a couple weeks…but…I would just like to see these fragments drop in the non-storm mode too, where we spend most of our time, even if it were a lower drop rate outside storm mode.