Torrential Fragments

So there is some sketchy stuff going on here, it might jsut be me, but my buddy an I have been on the Isle since servers came up, and in that time hes gotten 6 of the 7 fragments he needs for the key, where I have gotten 3 … all day… BUT HAVE NO PROBLEM GETTING FRIGGIN GEAR, why is the drop rate so obnoxiously low for these fragments. They drop off every mob on the isle but ive damn near killed over 1000 of these things and only gotten 3 fragments out of it. Like make it make sense, am I just at the mercy of RNG Jesus? or does this game just hate me?


you’re supposed to get it passively while pursuing other things, not actively farm it.

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You and that person who is already almost done on day 1 are why time gating is sometimes a good thing.


Were just trying to get the mount, its available on day 1, if that was the case then these fragments would also be timegated yet they arent. The Rares wouldnt just keep dropping them out of no where, so thats irrelevant


Day one. It’s day one. Your sub, but it’s day one.


If it’s okay for the skilled elite to have stuff I will never have, then it’s okay for someone who hardcore nosleep farms, to get a bird a few days before I do.


The skilled elites don’t get them all on day one usually. If someone wants to no life that’s their business. To be upset you can’t get an item on day 1 is really strange to me.


I dont know whos upset about getting it on day 1, that wasnt my point, my point was why is the drop rate on torrential fragments so obnoxiously low, if Blizzard didnt want people to farm it all on day 1, then they should have locked behind a daily lockout, im not mad abou that, im mad more over the fact i keep getting random purples more then these fragments should have been dropping.


Exactly. It’s also none of my business if they get their item. They are going to have a few days to show off their storm crow before everyone has it. They should have that.

I will still probably be using Alunira.


You’re upset you haven’t gotten it on day one. You literally just said you’re mad at the time gating and fragment drop rate. It is day one. It is far to early to let that upset you.


Im not upset i havent gotten it, where in my post do you see me say “Im mad i dont have the mount day one” I literally just said that I have killed over a thousand of these mobs that allegedly drop these fragments, havent seen one in 2 hours, but they some how exist. Also where in my post does it say im mad about time gating, I just said the mount is available day 1, there’s nothing time gated about it, you just collect the keys and get your mount.

But you want to put words in my mouth, cool.


I havent gotten any fragments at all.


Wait until you try the Cyclonic Runekey


Honestly, thats all im doing now, im getting the fragments off this dude surprisingly, and surprisingly, their dropping more often on this guy then they are off the mobs on the island. So its more beneficial to do that then bang your head against wall killing thousands of mobs

Ive been farming them, been killing all day, havent gotten 1. picked up 2k FB iron off randos, but no torrential frags.

Ermgerlerger is a pretty good name, ngl.

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Just a bad RNG. You probably got something nice before the farm. Drop rate is like a fragment every 30-40 mins.

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This can be fished in open water behind ZEK within a few minutes. Took me about 5 casts. Hope this helps.


I’ve been killing everything I set my eyes on in the Storm, killing rares, elites, everything. In two days I’ve gotten… wait for it… one. One fragment.

I’ve done grinds before, but this is ludicrous.


I’ve done everything for the week and never got one. What’s it for?