Torment Chamber: Jaina Empowered Mob

I’d like to ask you to actually -read- other people’s comments. They ARE interrupting and it’s still not enough. It feels like you came here just to troll. My DH has three different interrupts and I’ve used every single one only to have the npc immediately cast inner flame -again- and heal to full. I’ve now tried to finish this quest 4 times… that’s a total of 21 deaths. With all of my interrupts and bursts I -still- can’t stop all of her heals. If this isn’t a bug I don’t know what is. Really would like a blue post rather than more ‘use interrupts’ nonsense.

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Did you use Curse of Tongues? I found that made all the difference with my Demo Warlock.

Just tried this as a BM Hunter, pet died 3 times and I spent 20 minutes trying to pull her trying and failing. I am at a loss.


Can’t complete as frost mage as of today. Used Counterspell, Spellsteal, and Polymorph, but whenever my reflexes don’t hit an interrupt immediately the second she starts casting, she heals to full and it all starts over again. I finally gave up and left the instance. Waste of time.

Update: Only some of these are bugged. I just went back in, got it as the elite on the first floor, and only had to interrupt ONCE and then wore it down and killed it quickly.

This! Thank you!!