Torment Chamber: Jaina Empowered Mob

Well, the idea is that you do enough damage that you only have to face one Inner Flames attempt. Your interrupt cooldown doesn’t matter if you only have to use it once.

She said she was interupting, boomkin have a 1 minute interupt, running into the same issue with my priest, only having psychic scream I can get it down to 5ish% before I just ran out of CC.

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I don’t really like it, but the way Torghast is set up you are not expected to succeed every time. And by every time, every week on a particular layer. RNG will sometimes give you unbeatable combos, and I guess Blizzard expects us to smile and chuckle and say “Oh, you little rascal” and walk away.

That’s Torghast in a nutshell.

I encountered this boss yesterday while on my warlock, it felt impossible to kill with a voidwalker because of the lack of interrupt, but died fairly quick with my felhunter.

I can only imagine it would have been difficult (if even possible) on a balance druid too, considering I barely could even get the interrupts in with a 24 second CD, let alone a 1 minute CD.

Could try speccing into the bash for a stun

I came here hoping to see someone had success with this miniboss… Floor 4 and I’m beast mastery hunter and our healths stay pretty full. She heals whenever I manage to get about 5% down, then she uses Inner Flames, I have tried different interrupts I can use but nothing prevents her from re-healing to full health while I revive my pets. I even have the bonus Spiting Cobra that brings her health down a little more, but then Inner Flames every 14 seconds seems a bit, much. I’ll keep searching to see if there is some other way to prevent the rapid healing, but I don’t hold much hope in that. I do pretty good with the regular Torghast runs, I’m only up to layer 3, but for me that is doing pretty good. I can see by these posts that this miniboss can end up on any floor, I just wish I could get this done and go to sleep.


Come on Blizzard. This is precisely the crap people are tired of. Please fix this.


This is absolutely ridiculous. This mob is essentially unkillable due to that inner flames ability. I got it to 10% health using everything I have, including covenant abilities, but because my interrupts were on cooldown, it healed up to practically full. You should not be making a story advancing quest impossible for everyone but tanks. Fix this.


You are 100% right. It’s all about knowing when to use the right ability

100% Impossible for a resto druid to solo. Please fix this! I don’t want to respec.

This helped as a Warlock… But for other toons I wonder how they can pass through?

I am having the same problem

Just ran into this boss as well, impossible as a Disc Priest. I can interrupt the first Inner Flames with Psychic Scream but even with a 30 second cooldown it heals back up again before I can pop another one.

Really harshed the buzz of my morning. I’m just trying to enjoy some coffee and get through some missions and this stopped me for the day. Now I’m just annoyed and don’t want to go back in.

edit: Went back in after enabling Shining Force. I also forgot about Arcane Torrent, but that didn’t seem to be helping much either. Ultimately, it was a good thing I got two Catharstick anima abilities fast because it showed up as the second floor boss. I had to sit there and absorb damage until I hit 22800 stored up and then popped every ability I could and burned him down fast after interrupting with one psychic scream.

My first run though? Nothing I could have done. That boss sucks.

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i’m experiencing this as well. hope they fix. It’s too much and saying interrupt doesn’t fix the issue.

So it’s 12/29 and this boss is clearly still bugged. I just fought her for over an hour and cannot burn her down no matter what I do. It also takes her forever to kill me once I just got fed up with the whole thing. So it’s been 20 days, a fix would just be so awesome.


Just ran into the same issue. Popped everything I had and bam, instantly healed to full. Did you all test this or…just refuse to fix the bug entered?


Wanted to confirm that this still happens. Floor 1 boss today in Soul Forges, kept healing itself back up to full. Only interrupt available to Priest is Psychic Scream, which does effectively nothing here. Had to wipe the run.

Holy Pally, no way to beat. No interupt’s

This probably isn’t what folks want to hear, but there are specs for most (all?) classes that include interrupts. For instance, Shadow Priests have Silence.

It seems to me that Blizzard decided they were completely getting into the spirit of a roguelike, which means a decision that not every spec will be able to solo complete every layer or every boss.

Maybe they’ll have mercy and ease up on the disadvantaged.

This is crap. Mob heals to full no matter what we do. Disc priest and I have not enough interrupts to stop the Inner Flames that heal it back to full. Even if I went shadow and ran it again - and yuck, no - my silence would be on c/d when it does it again. I left Torghast frustrated.

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