I have been doing Torment Chamber: Jaina on a balance druid. I was having no problems at all. I have on “regular” Torment Chamber previously cleared through layer 3.
Anyway I got to the 5th floor and the last mob. I believe it is an Empowered Mawsworn Flametender. I could not kill it and it could not kill me.
It constantly healed. It seemed to channel Inner Flames and then heal. That puts on a stacking damage buff which, honestly, seemed to do nothing. At one point I had a fight that went on so long I finally just disconnected the game since the mob couldn’t kill me and I couldn’t kill it.
I could stand there and let it fireball me with a 30% damage buff and it basically did little to me. An occasional small heal was fine.
But, he constantly healed to full. Solar Beam (1 minute cooldown) would interrupt Inner Flames but nothing else seemed to do so (Typhoon didn’t help). I logged and started over. The second time I had the same problem on floor 4. This doesn’t seem normal. I understand the stacking damage buff but…it was barely damaging me. And I blew all cooldowns and could get it to maybe 40% and then it healed to full. Given my other Torghast runs none of that seems normal.
As an arcane mage I had the same problem with an Empowered Mawsworn Flametender at the end of floor 2. She took no damage when standing on the stairs. I could not spell steal or interrupt her. On 3rd try I got her down to 7% then she healed up again and I ran out of mana.(died)
Inner Flames is interruptible, and is the one cast you need to save your interrupts for. If you can interrupt immediately after the cast starts, they’ll get almost no healing and you can carry on obliterating her unimpeded.
Let it channel more than 1/2 second, and you’re volunteering for a long fight.
I had a very similar problem, except when the buff was damaging me. I eventually left and re-entered and then that mob was the floor one boss. I was able to get it down just barely by charming another mob to help me kill it. But then it was also the floor two boss and I the same trick didn’t work because of the floor layout. I tried a third time and same thing.
I have no problem on the regular Torghast runs. So I’m really confused as to why this mob is so awful in this instance.
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Yes, this is clearly something wrong here. I know I can interrupt Inner Flames. I use Solar Beam (balance Druid) to do it for the first time. Fine. But Solar Beam has a 1 minute cooldown. Typhoon didn’t stop it. I guess I could change specs but I don’t really want to do that.
While I am not the best geared character (running Heroic Dungeons) I have cleared through layer 3 on regular Torghast so this quest should not be so difficult. And, it is so weird that this floor boss doesn’t damage me at all really. I can heal up easily and can do this fight forever…
I am going to try running it in resto with balance affinity and see if I can dispel Inner Flames. But, shouldn’t have to do that.
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I also have a massive problem with the npc. I thought dragging her to the ice area on the side would be some sort of trigger or…idk what. Nope. IM running a destruction lock and just…cant even with pets, get enough interrupts to stop her.
Blizzard needs to fix this asap. we cant continue the quest man!
edit: i figured it out. she got bugged …somewhere and wouldnt move. I managed to spam fear, do aoes while my pet slowly attacked her. I h it her with quick spells, aoe’s and my venth ability and slowly chewed its hp down.
that npc is still OP
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I am having the same issue but on level 1 with the Empowered Mawsworn Flamtender, she cannot kill me and I cannot kill her any time I use something to interrupt her heal the cool down takes so long that on the second time she heals it just goes up and up and up. it is only happening in the Tournament Chamber Quest Level 1, not sure about the rest of the levels on this quest, I quit trying to kill her and left. Odd thing is I am on level 5 of Tourgahst and have no issue killing any of the Empowered Mawsworn on those levels.
Having a similar issue; as a warlock, I can interrupt the Inner Flames spell three times, but she always uses it again immediately after I’ve interrupted her. So, I can spam these buttons only three times, doing no other damage, and then she immediately heals herself once I no longer have the power to interrupt. There’s no time between her casting for me to damage her. I’m extremely frustrated.
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I had to spam fear on my warlock just to be able to kill this thing.
I tried this mini boss for quite a long time with little success - I just didn’t have enough interrupts to stop her continual heals. Think I’m just going to have to leave this scenario until I learn to play a lot better! 
empowered mob … first floor… just reheals it self… no matter what interrupts i try using… i get it as far as maybe under half way… either my interrupts stop working or pet dies and i have to rez it and it allows him to heal
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Confirmed. Spam Fear for Warlocks is the way through it.
It happen to me on the 5th floor hope they fix it
This so much. This is the exact problem. It really seems to be a bug though as it doesn’t seem to happen for everyone.
Druid, here, first floor boss. Can’t stop the boss from healing with inner fire, had to give up. Not sure what to do.
I just did this on my druid, balance spec. I had to typhoon, cyclone, and solar beam. Space out your celestial alignment, warrior of elune and other cooldowns. took me awhile but i got it done. you have to cast your interrupts as soon as you see that inner fire cast bar. (edit, I should mention that I used celestial alignment, then convoke the spirits after the first interrupt, then warrior of elune after the 2nd, strait dps after the 3rd, back to convoke the spirits for the 4th and last time. in between each interrupt i healed myself back to full health.)
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Fear counts as a stun/loss of control ability which prevents the casting. Unfortunately, a regular interrupt doesnt work. As a mage, Counterspell does nothing to stop the cast. I can use spellsteal on the buff but each spellsteal cast only takes one stack from the buff, and does not stop the heal. This boss is not killable solo as mage. Im on floor 1, used time warp, my darkmoon deck trinket, icy veins, mirror image, and the overflowing anima cage trinket for extra crit. She heals right through all of it like im not even there. I can get her to 16% but she heals right back to 80
Killed as frost mage, but had to polymorph which still heals it a little bit. Have to poly quick, then break it, and do it every time she starts to cast. Doable, but an pita.
Can’t solo 5th floor mini boss as frost mage. Inner Flames is the worst. The mini boss keeps casting it- counter spell works if you do it RIGHT as it starts to cast Inner Flames but the cd on counterspell is too long. Polymorph’s cast time is too long so by the time i get it cast, the boss is already healed to full. This is WAY over powered for a solo thing. It’s either bugged or someone screwed up when they designed this. Either way, can’t finish this quest so really not impressed.