Torghast: worst idea ever

So don’t die on the last boss. Problem solved.

You got problems, I got solutions! NEXT!

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i didn’t mind normal torghast, but the twisting corridors is just plain stupid. sure you get a mount for the maw at the end of layer 8, but jesus it takes my buddy and i almost 2 hours to do 18 floors. and for what memories you will never use because they are completely useless, it’s a time sink, and a very horrible one.

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Reading the forum I would say this whole Xpac is the WORSE IDEA EVER. Wouldn’t surprise me if Blizzard intend to wrap up wow altogether hence this debacle making a cash grab before they do.

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I used to collect mounts/toys and some mogs but after shadowlands and their systems… renown/choreghast/legendary system/covenant system/anima prices + another currency on top of it… I think they found a cure for my altoholic choice for so long.

Agreed. It sucks

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It just isn’t fun and is also required for getting Ash


It’s as boring as islands and warfronts were, absolutely dead content which just isn’t fun. Who the hell wants to do torg instead of pvp or dungeons or raids… the issue with this trash content is blizz always forces you to run it even if it’s terrible because of their ego they don’t want people ignoring trash design. Play their way or the highway. Screw their line of thinking this is why the community is so toxic they never just let us have fun in our own content we enjoy. It’s always got to have power attached to it ffs.

If no one ever HAD to run boreghast I doubt it would have ever been an issue. The people who likes it can run it, the rest of us could have got soul ash from literally any other activity I’m the game but blizz never designs like other smart devs do who let their players have fun and choices.


I still haven’t purchased Ion Hazzikostas’s Shadowlands,
is it basically just islands but lateral?

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The next year and a half is really gonna suck for you.

Torgast, much like Warfront’s and Expedition Islands - were a fantastic idea but executed wrong.

Torg’s primary problem is the lack of variation and obvious time sink design - now if it was basically M+ lite it might have been something else.


im confused. why are people doing torghast so much?

i got my lego week 3 of the xpac n i havnt touched it since, not very worried about it falling behind because i got it for the effect and there will be catch up mechanics eventually.

where’s the link for this? because I don’t see any sort of soul ash catch up from all the weeks my alts and my main didnt do it cuz I was on the edge of unsubbing due to all the bad systems so early.

there is no link and there is no catch up ATM but its a given and will happen.

say its the end of the xpac and the top ilvl for a lego is way over what it is now. they wont make sombody just joining the xpac grind a lego from scratch, that includes existing players too.

Agree with op

So I’ve heard that torghast was well received in SL open beta, but it was implement in a horrible way.

How was beta torghast different than live torghast?


My sentiments exactly!! I have previously griped about this same point. I am ilvl 195 and just tried to complete a 6 floor run (which should be doable) and cannot even get past floor 1 (just for some damn soul ash so I can get one freaking piece of legendary). This is unacceptable to me, not worth it.

Torghast became quite dated in content the moment you had your maxed Legendary. There needs to be more with the system moving forward.

The worst idea to me remains to be utility and potency legendaries dependent on RNG drop. That is just…so bad conceptually my brain hurts a little from trying to figure out how they even tried justifying it.

Torghast was better on the beta, and they just “tweaked” it too much prior to launch so that it’s a shadow of its former self. Which is a real shame.

how could they design such boring content though? There’s like 4 mobs. Everything looks the same. It takes like 40 minutes.

Why didn’t they try to spice it up with a couple potted plants? Or add more than a couple kinds of mobs? Or add drops.

They must have noticed how comatose the dungeon is. Why did they do it like this anyway?

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The only problem I have with Torghast is its not alt friendly: if you have 3 alts and one wing at Layer 5 takes you 30 mins to clear, it will take you 3 hours total per week.