Torghast: worst idea ever

Trust me I’ve played those games on cartridge. The cartridges were flash memory - you can save your progress. Stop arguing over technicalities.

lol flash memory on a 1980s nes cartridge… now you’re just being naive or trying too hard to troll.


Yes, they were called SNES Power Cartridges but okay. WeirdChamp.

if only my copy of Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, Silver Surfer, Dragon’s Quest, Ghosts n’ Goblins, etc had this so-called mythical “SNES Power Cartridge” technology when I was growing up :stuck_out_tongue: I’d of probably seen the endings.

If only you were Internet savvy enough to order them on E-bay in the mid/late 90s.

I need some advice on how to be cutting and nice in the same post , I can only master one at a time. :smiley:

if only the NES was released 10 years later D:! 1995 instead of 1985 in North America D:!! when the modern internet existed too, sad times indeed.

If only you were able to read what I wrote.

Mega Man, Super Mario on SNES.

You lost.

you mean your reply after i specifically mentioned NES & Genesis? and didn’t say super mario world or megaman x? the common snes variants :P?

It’s only a slog for as long as you need soul ash.

Tomorrow I finish getting the soul ash for my M+ cloak.

Then I’ll have no reason to do it on my druid again until they add more legendaries or other uses for soul ash.

Or maybe I’ll decide to invest in a guardian/feral legendary, but as I have neither tanked nor gone feral this expac, I probably won’t.

It’s not the worst idea ever. But it’s execution might be. Then again, battlefronts were really terrible and never materialized. Islands weren’t exactly fun either.

No the idea is GREAT!

But the implementation (including the Maw) is just… well we only do 2 wings for the Soul Ash now, not because it’s enjoyable.

i swear hunter is the most boring to take in there. Ive ran with friends just to make it more enjoyable…locks and shamans seem to have awesome powers. Hunter…We took that meme spell that yall wanted for giggles and made it a power in torgast.

Then don’t do it. It isn’t mandatory for anything unless you’re a min maxer.

When my prot pally was ilevel 165ish and I thought I wouldn’t be able to complete layer 8 solo, I looked in the groupfinder and saw groups that wanted ilevel 200+. For regular Torghast. I was soloing layer 6 at that time and thought it was funny.

tldr I’m not checking groupfinder for Torghast ever again on any chars.

Since the Soul Ash is set up so that there are diminishing returns for doing higher levels, then just back off to a level your are comfortable with completing. Remember the old phrase, “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.”

If you can, say, reliably complete level 7, but die on at least some bosses at level 8, then just stick with level 7 until your ilevel has increased a bit. You only get 40 more Soul Ash for doing level 8. It’s really not a lot for risking failure. At level 5 you’re getting more than 75% of the Soul Ash it’s possible to get from a run

Said nobody but you, ever.

Torghast is single handedly the worst content in shadowlands. Genuinely makes me want to quit having to do it


what he means to say…the main issue is that they nerfed it to the point that nobody likes it anymore. At least before, some people liked it for the challenge and others just complained cause they failed at an 8. Now those peeps hate it and the people complaining before hate it anyway.

if you go back and watch videos from beta of people playing torghast, these individuals raved about how fun and great it was and were positive and looking forward to it’s retail iteration…

The issue is that Blizzard nerfed and broke it to hell that it’s nothing like it was in beta…

Even these same people who absolutely loved and raved about Torghast during beta, hate the retail iteration as well, which just goes to show that Blizzard F’d it up…

Take PreachGaming for example:

he went from videos saying it’s incredible and you can see they were having so much fun in Torghast, raving on and on positively about it (and it was fun to watch):

To absolutely s***ting on the current iteration and begging/hoping blizzard will make it better and constantly referencing the beta:

it’s pretty sad to hear how positive/joyful his voice was in the video from beta, compared to how negative/depressed his voice is in the more current video.

The other thing is seeing how much more variety there was in the levels in beta versus current, i.e. @ 4:12 with trees and ardenweald mobs, that dont exist anymore in current…

dont matter if its hard or easy.its pointless is the prob.rewards in it if eny are not worth the time.if they.changed the rewards to make it worth the time to run it then i would got back.