hell i didnt do the quest to go to the maw or been in maw with this 1 but blizz got me shadowcrap raids go figure im in bfa and when shadowcrap quest comes up i un quest ignore it its boreing there
It is substantially better than Horrible Visions, Island Expeditions and Warfronts… so there’s that.
I agree! I hate dying on the final boss and wasting all me time!!
Lots of people have beaten Torghast, even Twisting Corridors. They even nerfed normal Torghast in order to satisfy your QQ. Git gud. Or find another person willing to carry…ehh…do it with you.
Me and my wife do it for fun and to watch the story unfold. Can you believe it? Finally a piece of hard PvE content we can do without strangers nerd-raging at us. Also, procedural maps, so it is not like those boring dungeons you know from memory the by third time you run them.
I bet most of the playerbase likes it too. But only the complainers come to the forums, the rest is busy enjoying the game.
There is a table mission that can give Soul Ash. It’s 23 hours. I have it going now.
Stopped doing torghast after a run of 5 hours and last boss one shooting me, leaving me empty hands.
Making it easier it’s just a lazy solution. Torghast should still be challenging but fun and rewarding.
Torghast wasnt a bad idea but blizzard poorly executed it.
I made it to February and haven’t even been to Torghast yet
My guild members are going to drag me in there though
nerfed it so bad a final boss ONE SHOTS a pet with a single soul bolt. …thats ONE soul bolt, so yes very nerfedlolol.
the mob is chain casting with our whole 2 abilities to interrupt /stun ok …moron.
ion is such a failure im praying karma hits him bad tbh. they have known for MONTHS its not balancing properly!! and they ignore it obviously…
They expect us to ream down a 3+M hp boss while it is spamming 60-70k bolts (more then my hp pool and my pets) every 3 seconds…i can stop maybe 5 out of a total 19283645 it will cast…even kiting will NOT stop them…then yeah i pray every day for extreme …“karma” to strike…and will not stop
Just get better. Really.
Torghast is amazing. The only real thing wrong with it is the lack of repetitive rewards. At least in BfA we had islands we could run for azerite and/or the chance for mog, pets, toys, or even mounts.
I’d also like to see TC be much more random what with any layer floor happening on each floor and all the mobs able to be present on any given floor.
But yeah…Blizzard should literally throw collectors a bone and cram the place full of collectibles.