Torghast Tuning for Rogues and Warriors

What about Hunters? My pets are dead more often than not, mobs HP is so huge things take too long to kill, our Anima Powers are joke as well.

I’m mostly confused on my mage by all the traits that buff Mirror Images when they turned it into a near nonexistent amount of damage and removed the taunt. And 20% damage mitigation from three hits isn’t all that much when you’re a squishy mage. They seem like traps to get players to miss out on the good traits. Especially the one that spawns an image when you blink…it literally just snares your target and that’s it, the mob will instantly turn and run for you instead of the image.

If you miss out on the trait that gives you all 3 bubbles your last boss fight is going to be unfun.

Also, Mage Torg isn’t easy…try it on any hybrid instead and you’ll see what easy is. My resto druid with feral affinity probably deals more dps during a boss fight than a mage can, it’s hilarious.

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Lmao I got buffed in Torg ? :rofl: :rofl:

So Ill take it

What about hunters?

And then we get to see what it’s like to have no interrupt (spell lock is tied to felhunter). Locks need a baseline interrupt, you might argue that we have deathcoil or w/e but that isn’t a real solution.

They are struggling with the final boss, most likely because they are getting crappy powers

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they don’t care about giving dk more meaningful abilities clearly lol for example.

exactly my issue. i see the same 15 powers none are raw DPS.

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Tune it for BM Hunter now, the boss fight on level 2 , can and will two or three shot my pets, and then cast a silence nature debuff making it impossible to rez them as I’m one shotted right away, this removes all hope of any recovery and makes the game unfun

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Turn off taunt and let the boss chase you while you snare it (if you can) but keep the boss on you while you kite and let your pet just be basically a dot. You can even keep your pet passive for a bit while you build up some threat and then send it in. If you get overwhelmed let your dots fall of and trap it if you can, bandage up and go back at it. Hunters should be having the easiest time in torghast as you can kite and dps at the same time. Using the same strat in torghast as you do in the world is what’s going wrong.

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I’ll try that, but it’s hard when I took that GIANT buff, feels like I’m moving at half speed LOL

I hope it helped somewhat.

I thought i would be clever and swap from fire to frost on my mage to see if it would be easier. Nope. You have to hard cast to get procs and frozen orb still flies right past mobs and you lose barrier on blink. A lot of the mage traits keep focusing on Mirror Images which was gutted to a defensive CD that blocks a whole 20% from three auto attacks!! Mage feels terrible in Torghast, i’ve gotten nothing like what i got on my resto druid. Dots spreading on death, moonfire reducing my targets damage, 6 minute cooldowns turned into constant buffs, % increase to damage when i’m only focusing one target, speed boost and barksin every time you shift, yeah mages got shafted on good Torghast traits.

The best mage trait is getting all 3 bubbles…

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Logged in on sub rogue main - first since unsubscription. Played L3 Torghast, 100% cleared all floors, got to the end boss with 25 anima abilities including 2x of the new vial cooldowns and a +30% permanent bonus to primary stats, 171 ilvl gear. Brought HP potion, Kyrian phial, Torghast healing pot which are all on separate CDs. Slime Boss destroyed me at under 10k HP, tried again, same thing, 50k - less potions. This is still an over tuned sht show and no one who values their time at all should play this game much less be funneled in to this trash. I have wasted at least 8 hours on failed Torghast runs at this point while I continue to permanently fall behind on soul ash. Unsub still pending, ~14 days left. I’m certainly not alone but sure your useless metrics won’t care until it’s too late.

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Hello there. I exist, but you don’t know that do you? No, Feral doesn’t even exist, we just get picked on cause we do low damage but I can’t stand Balance.

Ah sorry about that, I’m a bit salty about the situation of Feral. Good for you rogues and warriors.

“Torghast Tuning” sounds like they didn’t actually tune the characters but that when the characters go into the instance something changes while in the instance.

Especially with the boss fights, it really does feel like it’s scaling up dynamically extremely hard mid fight. These don’t feel like static numbers.

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Fix tuning Targhast tuning for BM hunters it’s impossible my pet is dead more often than not despite i’m healing it on CD and dispel all buffs from mobs.

I’ve noticed this too.
You’ll be doing fine until the bosses health gets to around 50%, then it’s like it hits an enrage and they start chunking your life regardless of what defenses you put up.

Something is off somewhere.

my fury warrior has fun in there. got both layer 6s down without much troubles.

it’s rough on the first few floors then it gets super nice with a bunch of anima powers.

I’d like to be able to finish a Torghast run without the 3 shields/2000% invis buff plz.
Having +enemy health and unkiteable torments is just an instant reset for me.