I have been able to clear every single torghast layer with ZERO issue. Just some simple strategy and time. Torghast Layer 8 IS impossible for my character to complete. The floor bosses enrage timer is impossible to beat before it one shots you. This has to be a miscalculation. I’m 195 ilvl. You can’t honestly say a casual player will never be able to complete torghast without going to mythic castle nathria. You will be hearing screams for days blizzard.
Lower levels no issue. Noticed some scaling, it was harder but not impossible. I get to layer 8 on upper levels and its impossible. The empowered consular has a pacify ability that leaves you unable to attack. I am forced to LoS the mob because at just 4 stacks a single sin bolt will do a fourth of my health bar. Even as a prot paladin I have almost unlimited stuns, but one wrong move and by the time is has 8 stacks, one sinbolt is enough to almost annialate me. You can’t honestly believe that this is completeable. You simply overtuned it so only some niche class or comp can claim torghast victory didnt you?
I’m not going to be a very welcoming person when I come to realize that something that was designed to be fun, is gated behind a full set of mythic ilvl gear.
in before the simps come rolling in saying it’s fine
So your complaining the highest level of difficulty is difficult?.
Do you reach a point where you are expected to group up?
Honest question. I don’t know if the whole thing is supposed to be soloable or not.
I solo’d both wings on Layer 8… but being a Warlock with a pet to tank damage helps.
Makes me sad for prot pallies. I’m considering just focusing prot/Ret and have really done well in torghast layer 6. Going to try 7 and see. The soul ash upgrade is minimal if your off by one level so it doesn’t matter
I failed on 7 after like an 1 1/2 hours reaching the boss. I jumped in a 2 for the ash I needed to upgrade my leggo.
It’s fine.
It is supposed to be a challenge. People do NOT have to do the most difficult layers.
I noticed in layer 6 higher levels my void would get trucked by certain mobs… that’s before the nerf
What leads you folks to believe that the torghast climb (without the challenge mode even being available) is meant to be reserved for the best players?
We’re still questing here, dude.
This. Just because we breezed up to it doesn’t mean we won’t need more gear for 8.
Right now it’s not even if it’s challenging or not
It’s if you get a broken boss at the end of a floor who can chain spam abilities that hit for 8k once a second
I agree slightly with you. But only for the fact that Torgast was time gated and not released all at once with a better difficulty climb. For a lot of us layers 4-6 and 7 felt just like layer 3 when we first got to it with bad gear. there has not been Difficulty increases as we go when getting gear waiting for the next layers to be open.
So finally having a challenge is great to some of us.
The damage is out of control. Went into a layer 3 just for some quick dust to make the triune leggo and elites are autoing for 5k+ before stacks… The last boss was casting for 7-8k a pop from the moment I pulled. Mages are not tanks, mages already had the absolute WORST torghast runs+anima powers in the game, now it’s just straight impossible. Not even gonna attempt 7/8. Prolly just reroll boomkin.
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Just cleared Layer 8 with a 171.5 ilvl MW monk.
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Neato - was it fun? Get any cool powers?
Last boss dropped an awesome looking pet actually.
A Maw Crawler.
I did both floors 7 and 8 with no mythic ilvl gear and it was STILL too easy. Starting floor 7 you have to start respecting hazards and really using your brain on how you gonna approach things. Remember the goal is to kill the boss at the end, and it’s a dps race. I don’t know about other classes but for me on my main spec elemental, 0 issues.
A challenge is great. That should come from the challenge mode of this thing, really.
I just don’t like having the rug pulled out from under me. If they wanted this thing to be a more difficult climb, it should’ve been released that way. They delayed the expansion to test these things more. I’m more frustrated with how this has been handled than anything else.