Torghast is stupid hard now

Yeah these changes basically read to me as “sorry warriors and rogues do it in a group stupid.”

It would be different if autoattack/uninterruptible spell damage was toned way down, and there were mechanics that could 1shot you if you messed them up. Instead, there are basically no mechanics and you get destroyed by unavoidable autoattacks.

I haven’t done Torghast since week 2 because every time I think about doing it I just dread spending 1.5 hours slowly meandering my way through the dungeon trying to collect all of the anima powers I can, only for it not to matter because I got a bad boss that nukes me down in 5 seconds even though I have 200% maximum health and an absurd amount of buffs that I got -lucky- to have.


Best analogy I think I ever heard. You nailed it!!

Really hope they hire some players at some point on their team and new blood that actually knows what fun looks like to translate it to the Devs.

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Well it seems your starting powers are set now too, ive reset 6 times and gotten the same 2 trash useless roll talents in layer 7.

Im a ilvl195 brewmaster and im getting rekt, breezed through layer 6 last week too.

Pretty frustrating tbh.


Blizzard is trying to make torghast a form of dark souls…it doesn’t work.


I play blood dk and awesome job making em more buffed out in a general but torghast is something i plan on quitting. there is no way that it has to be that hard to beat 1 boss let alone an elite. grouping makes it worse. players are dying on the first pull and the assassins gotta chill da f down. If blizz is making it that tough and im not saying it’s unbeatable add a skip a layer a week for us as well. 1 to 2 hours of this and wiping repeated is not a fun experience nor something people want to do for a limited amount of soul ash which will likely become null in a few months. Players are fed up. You almost had torghast right in fact i’d say week 1 was pretty good and so close to the ball park but now its a dreadful experience. If i wanted a dreadful experience i’d go get myself covid. yeah i went there. fix torghast and fix it fast. players are already quiting. And honestly I’d rather have glitches in cyberpunk2077 then deal with an hour and a half more of torghast. I’d rather play everquest then run randoms in torghast. I’d rp with furries in duskwood over a minute more in torghast…


To some degree this is my take, too. Instead of meeting a timer to progress, this is a more tangible, hard stop.

I recall many discussions about available replacement for M+ time-based, but difficult, content. Torghast doesn’t appear to have any time limit on it, so in order to make the content difficult, this may be one of the few ways to do so: hard limit it to gear progression for the remainder of the expansion.

I haven’t tried the new levels yet but 6 was easy on both wings last week with me as Prot and my wife as ele shaman. So, take my sidelines commentary with the grain of worth it is.


I like torghast.

When nothing is happening with guild or no friends are online I can go blast some skeletons at whatever difficulty I want it to be.


Now im getting the same powers on layer 6 or 7 ? wtf did they do, same terrible choices for first 3 powers… what even…

I think whatever they have planned next is way behind and they are trying to stretch launch SL further.


You mean you can’t nearly beat the game in one reset?

How dare blizzard make you work.

The forum player base is so bad for this game.


Exactly, it’s what hooked me, or at least peaked my interest seeing a content creator I watch vids on YouTube for WoW.

I just think they Blizzified it with over-working what could of been a fun, w hacky experience.

Not to mention soul ash… suuuuuuuuucks as a main reward.

The time spent there doesn’t feel worth it, especially when the end boss kicks my butt and or is a fricking wall. Waste of time at that point.


“What is this ffffunnnnnn of which you speak? I don’t have a metric for…is it pronounced “fune”? The only axes that I have on my chart are overall corporate profits, and how long people are spending in the game when they log in. We can’t track subscriber numbers or subscriber satisfaction because when we did it made us look bad. But the subscribers that we have now are logged in for longer than ever before because we made everything a tedious slog, so that means the line is going up, and that means that we’re doing great, right?”


I brought this up in layer 3.

This guy has 0 counter play. His first spell is an uninterruptable spell that speeds his casts.

Then he just becomes a shadowbolt turret and your sole recourse is to burn him before he burns you.

So it’s basically just a dps check, which given Torghast, is basically just an RNG test.

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next up, torghast will scale with ilvl. then probably scale with anima powers. oh man, hope blizz doesn’t read this.


You’re just too slow and achieving what you need to achieve.

I agree that that is a misguided metric with which to judge one’s success

To be fair, torghast was hella easier on tanks and healers than on dps, so they had to balance it out. I guess they chose to scale torghast up for tanks and healers rather than scale down for dps.

the retail wow community.
“tried it once, couldn’t do it, please nerf it into the ground so I can skip my way through it and get my loot”


Playing Warrior was your first mistake. Blizz has made it painfully clear that warriors are supposed to be complete garbage without pocket healers (or in Fury’s case just plain garbage).

I feel a bit bad for people who didn’t get to play it in beta, it was one of the few things that was a bit enjoyable largely due to how strong powers were.

The change from a 10% of max hp disrupt to 2% in the recent patch is just a perfect sign of their mentality- they don’t want us to have fun, they want this to be a time waster, period.

And that’s what it is, a waste of time, it’s a slog, it takes too long to do everything, and that slow pace just ruins what could have been a fun, fast paced game mode.