Torghast is ruined. GJ Blizz

Way to take what could have been an awesome fun mode and turn it into a boring, nightmarish slog.

Why do you do this? Why have you taken what could have been an awesome, fun mode and turned it into a boring time played engagement metric? Absolutely unreal.

I’m done with it. I’m done with the maw as well. I don’t care. Congratulations on effectively killing your own game, for literally no reason.

It’s a shame, Torghast was the one thing I was looking forward to most in this expansion, and they’ve ruined it. It started out fun, but once I ran it on my shaman I realized how awful it really is.


There are like 10 torghast thread in the first 30. Couldn’t you have added that to one of them?


I believe that it merits its own thread, thanks for your concern.

Why can’t we just have fun in this video game? Why does everything have to be an excruciating pain to suffer through?


It doesn’t.


No, thier unique take requires special attention because their complaint is different than everyone elses /s


The mods should merge all of these into one Torghast super-thread with no post limit.

it’s good to have multiple threads, actually. while the devs obviously don’t care at all about feedback or the players’ enjoyments, it still paints a good picture about the state of the game. no other game’s board i have seen is this unanimously negative about the quality of what they’re paying for.

also, yes. torghast is horrendous. first week was good. then it spiraled into trash.


Yes, it does. We’re all entitled to create our own threads expressing our opinions and concerns. If you don’t like it, don’t read it.

Agree with OP.


No, s/he couldn’t - and I’m glad of it. I want to see a wall of it - I want to have to scroll through walls and walls of it so that on the off chance somebody in the company glances over here on coffee break, they see it.


The mods should just give the feedback to the devs and have them make torghast not suck.


Torghast is fine.


Mods, can we sticky this! The game is literally in the best state it’s ever been in, and a lot of players are finding the challenge to be hard but easy to do at the same time. The system is fine, and in my opinion it’s working as intended.


I wish!

Does blizzard pay you? How do I get in on this gig, I will totally sell out for blizzbucks.


I did two layer 4 last night, and those stabber guys that spawn when you are out of combat must be bugged. They were each harder than the final bosses. They were each harder than any elite mob, and I had to pop CD’s every time one spawned. And I think they are bugged because they were just as hard at the end, after collecting all my anima powers as they were on the first floor.

That’s because they get a buff that increases every floor.

But I mean it seemed as though my anima powers made no difference against them.

I have started kiting almost-dead mobs up to fresh mawrats to aggro between real pulls. Keep a constant rat nibbling on your toes. It’s the only reasonable way to do the layers with those stupid stalkers without having to spend whole minutes picking away at a single mob’s healthbar.

Nope. They don’t listen anyway. When I’m unhappy I make multiple threads from multiple different perspectives and clutter the forums

And you’re making actual real issues clouded by all that spam.

Great job.

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