Torghast is awful for melee

I was looking forward to Torghast, but it has been awful for my rogue.

There seem to be an inordinate number of mechanics that buff melee damage taken. The skeletons are awful, especially when coupled with the completely unnecessary rogue shadow hunter that stalks you when you are out of combat. Rogues already have very poor healing options and elusiveness seems to be broken b/c I do not see any reduction in damage.

I get to the final boss without issue only to get destroyed after blowing all of interrupts and stuns trying to prevent the boss from getting buffed. It is frustrating and simply not fun at all to solo.

On my mage, it’s fun and engaging. Every boss is doable. Some are really tough, but you can do them. It sucks for my rogue.


So, have you ran Torghast since the rogue hotfixes went live sometime yesterday?


Good news!!!

it was fine for me as a ret pally. Too easy, looking forward to an actual difficuilty curve.


A. They just made it easier for rogues.
B. I would recommend picking every single ability to buff single target damage as the trash packs are trivial at the moment.

Yes. I was happy to see them so I ran Mort 3. Got to the final boss and got obliterated.

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Dunno what u are talking about. us prot pallys are perfetly balanced for torg.

I was able to blow through all three layers with my demon hunter, but I had to switch to tank spec. I was getting spanked as dps. Luckily I have soul shards, but I would also recommend choosing as many single target anima powers as possible since the trash is fairly simple. Maybe throw in a few endurance.

Play a better class. No offense, but DPS classes are just there to fill up teams in Dungeons/Raids. You can’t beat everything by just clicking x to win, lol.


Blizz is helping you out

I honestly heard the oppossite.

Ranged classes complaining for not having a short CD interrupt or none as a boomkin.

I’ve seen some warriors complain and others like myself think it is trivial.

Torghast is easy, that is just a fact. With a little practice you’ll get it and be fine.


All classes click x to win. I used to be a main tank back when heroic raids = mythic raids. I burned out so went to dps and never looked back.

Mage tower was fun. The green fire warlock quest was AWESOME. Torghast on a rogue sucks.

But I hear you. Rogues bring little value other than dps. That’s why I leveled and am gearing my mage.

It’s been alright as an arms war

Listen, you have the best transmog I have seen for a mechagnome.

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I blow through layer 6 on my level 20 twink because I’m a god-king gamer and the rest of you are not. L2P!

This is seriously what I see when people talk about how good they are at it and how they beat it, so it must mean there is no porblem and its perfect… smh…


okay, and the flip side of that is all the people complaining that since they personally can’t beat it, it must be literally impossible


Dude you can’t compare us to a rogue lol, we have some OP abilities that makes survival trivial. I would say us, Havoc, Frost and Unholy have it easy compared to Rogues and Warriors.


So you assume that you are going to do better at a certain gear level?

I would challenge anyone not able to complete a torghast level.

I’ll put on 5 less total ilvl than what they are using when they are failing.

I have not tried as a rogue but seeing as warrior is the only other class receiving a buff for torghast I’m assuming we are considered to be in a similar situation.

Personally I think it may be harder as certain classes but that is just the way it is.

I could solo anything in the game easier as prot spec or on my DK. Every spec is not equal at soloing.

Luckily torghast is very easy for those who need that blanket. And there is nothing wrong with being a lower skill level but torghast is certainly able to be completed easily as any class/spec currently.

I press Y not to die between pressing X hehe…
In all seriousness, Mages are pretty nice, but I think Warlock might be an even better choice tbh.

There are a lot RNG components to each run. I wonder how many fail once and don’t try again because they just don’t realize this. Not all runs are made equal in Torghast.

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