Torghast is awful for melee

Only one boss so far has felt legitimately bugged/OP (Gulxos or whatever his name is.) The rest has just been a bit of trial and error.

With that said I could do Torghast asleep on my Paladin. Idk, part of me likes having to actually use all my skills but it is also kind of scary that a couple bad power choices will set you back an hour plus with nothing to show.

I’ve run layer 3’s as Feral Druid, it was tough and took some time, but doable.

I have been unclear. Level 1 and 2 are easy. Level 3, for me - not anyone else or any other class - has been impossible once I get to the final boss. Some final bosses, even at level 2, 2 shot me. It could be that I suck at rogue and Torghast is fine, but given that Blizz has already done some things to help melee indicate otherwise.

Well which is it? This is the problem… What’s easy for you is not easy for everyone else. Should it be nerfed? Prob not… Should it stay the same? Prob not. All that is for Blizzard to decide. But for ANYONE to come on here and say L2P, its just not helpful for anyone.


But it quite literally is a learn to play issue. You have to adapt and try different powers and such. Adjust your talents.

You can’t just yolo your way through it and mindlessly run it. It’s meant to be a bit challenging. Especially if you’re trying to solo it.

If you think it’s too difficult you can always group like any other content.

Grouping causes weird scaling and in some cases actually makes it harder. I grouped with a DK on my paladin and the trash was weirdly tough but then we beat the third floor boss easier than the gate guards. It’s so inconsistent.

I’ve been able to do just fine as an Arms warrior. You just have to try to build a balanced character for defense/offense. Thou having ignore pain on dps specs is def helping warrior a lot in regards to solo.

Says the Mythic geared paladin.

You don’t even need high gear tho. I did all layers at ilevel 135. Just have to pick defense powers.

Tried to help a rogue guildy finish layer 2 and the final boss killed us with thorn armor due to our anima choices. Went back solo and he barely tickled me even when I proced the thorns. Really seems like playing with others punished.

Personally I say screw scaling. If people wanna 5 man it and speed run it leg them. Just put some solo achievs in or something.

While it might be a learn to play issue for some, I’ve found that level 3 torghast at about 150-155 ilvl was fairly difficult at times on my Mut rogue.

I’ve had to carefully pick anima powers and do a lot of kiting. Some of the bosses are rough.

This is from someone who did endless proving grounds wave 30+ when it was relevant and I did the mage tower the night it opened up.

I’m using my class utility as best as I can. I haven’t enchanted any gear, and occasionally I’ve used a stat buff item leftover in my bags from BFA.

I finally just passed 160 ilvl with some heroic drops and the level 3 wing I did last night was a bit easier than the prior week.

I got the crimson vial power once last night, for 10 seconds off its cooldown.

That was helpful.

I have found Torghast to be quite easy. I’m hoping it gets more difficult as more layers open up.

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DH is not on the list of classes having difficulty. All of the tanks and all of the healers have it on easy mode in Torghast.

Try it on a rogue or warrior at ilvl 135 and see how far you get.

Sounds like a GIT GUD issue to me.

i was ilevel 151 or so when I did my torghast bro :slight_smile:

Is awful in general

Blizz acknowledged the issue by making it easier for rogues and warriors to run Torghast. Even then, without a tank spec to crutch back to, or self heals from a hybrid, some of the Torghast bosses are impossible at 150-165 ilvl.

Yes, you can run it with a group and that makes it easier, but that does not address the ridiculous difference between the final bosses and everything else in Torghast (which is useless except for improving your chance against the final boss). So you spend an hour, maybe a little less, maybe a little more, gaining power for the final fight only to realize what you have done won’t do anything against being two shot in melee by boss uninterruptable melee attacks.

I did the Warlock Green fire quest when it was level appropriate and before it was nerfed. It was tough, fun, and interesting, but I never thought it was impossible. Some of the final bosses for a rogue are so difficult to solo that they are impossible with only a few tries.


It’s normal… I don’t know, but hey, I get to abuse the best self heals on the market, so yeah…

for SOME i think its easier. for some it isn’t.
like survivability isn’t easy but still possible on layer 3 for all classes. it just comes down to the anima you get offered.
i do have to say, its pretty fun for dks

Really? I was doing it as a WW monk and was stomping face. Sure there were a couple situations that got a bit hairy, and I even ended up dying once, maybe twice but thats due to over eagerness on floor 3.

Id recommend trying to play a bit more defensively. As a rogue you have a lot of CC at your disposal. Dont be afraid to use them.