Torghast has a limited resource called Vitality and Keys for Entry

Shhh logic doesn’t work here… Many people think things on wowhead are pure gospel that never changes.

Items on a PTR or alpha/beta never change

A good example is when Mount equipment was coming out Wowhead reported that absorbs to no longer prevented daze… many people were convinced it was an intentional change rather than one of the many bugs that happen on a public test Realm


Damnit. Why does Torghast have to have a variation of a time limit (vitality)? I hope this changes.


Nobody can explain vitality until it’s actually been implemented. Stop jumping the gun.

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Nope, horrible design and not fun at all, I have not stepped foot in one in weeks. And never plan on going back.


That sounds awesome. I hope it’s exactly how you described.

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I would hate insanity like mechanic please no : /


It seems to function as buff related to an armory system. No vitality just means no access to the armory, but it doesn’t say you’re removed from Torghast, so you could probably get it back unless you die beforehand, which you probably will if you’re playing badly enough to lose all your vitality.

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I still need to do 2 before I have the backpack, then I’m done. Looking forward to it.

Backpack would have been nice, but I would rather hit myself in the head with a hammer than go back in Visions.


“Your Vitality has expired, and your connection with the Armory has been severed.”

this is not looking good. :astonished:


I was under the impression it was more of an infinite dungeon. Like, see how far you can go kind of thing.

Is there some concrete info on time limits? From the other comments I’m seeing it sounds like this Vitality thing hasn’t been confirmed as a Sanity-like mechanic.

“We don’t want Players to rush thru Content, so we are adding timers so you have to do it faster”

Yep sounds like Blizzard.


If Vitality depletes on its own then this sucks. I really wanted Torghast to just be like an infinite dungeon crawler that I could do at my own pace, and if it’s not that, then I’m not interested.


So looking at the WoWhead page, vitality doesn’t exactly work like sanity where it ticks down, kinda suggesting getting hit by certain abilities from mobs main drain it and if it runs out, we lose access to the Obleron Armour, which buffs us inside Torghast. We may also be able to gain it back if reaches zero possibly.

But that’s all my take on it.


It’ll be a limited health bar, but not subject to constant drain the way sanity is. Vitality looks like a good system to me. It should make the difficulty easier for blizz to balance if they don’t have to account for healing abilities.

Not at all happy that they said “it’s not timed” but then have that herp derp but there’s something like a timer but not a timer so it’s not timed heh heh kind of BS.

Let’s see how it shapes up. I hate Visions because I feel pressured. I hate M+ because of the same reason. Stop having these BS time limits to encourage rushing through the stuff. Rush rush go go go was a terrible thing that needed to be removed, not encouraged.


Or they changed it because it was so badly received and then told us it was a bug. It’s also possible it was a trial balloon that gave them an easy out.


When will Blizz figure out that players don’t want to do ALL the content?

Entry fees and limited attempts are among the worst iterations of this:

  • Requires players to do content they may not enjoy to gain whatever is required for access.
  • Requires doing content they that they may not actually enjoy to get what they want out of it.
  • Leaving it so that the rewards have no alternative way of obtaining similar items (as well as having rewards that can’t be passed up), meaning they HAVE to do at least two pieces of content they dislike.

Or it was something that broke on the PTR (like many things do) and people think they did something complaining about it.

Matter of perspective

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I really wish they wouldn’t do this. Instead of barrier to entry, limit the rewards. And make temporary boons instead of a grind for more vitality. Part of the problem for me is it ends up feeling less like a rogue-lite and very similar to other things in the game that also have a barrier to entry. I want something interesting and new.