Torghast harder just Alt F4 No Thanks

Yeah no. People said the same thing week 2 about Layer 3 and then I did a layer 3 run with zero anima powers just to prove them wrong. Didn’t beat it but came within 10% health on the boss. Which means a single dps boosting power would have let me beat it.

So honestly I am pretty sure a lot of people that struggle are just worse players than they think.

Not anymore…

Did you get the ghoul boss?

Some one needs to call PETA on him. What he does to pets is just cruelty to animals. Unless you got lucky with the 20s exhilaration CD reducer power…when I have seen him he can win a healsCD war and no heals for your pets.

You have to hope you live the beat down on the pet rez really.

Just because we have a different opinion doesn’t make me or you a troll, all i’m saying is that we are 3 weeks into a 2 year long expansion and over time things will even out.

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I subbed for six months because I though shadowlands was going to be awesome I tried to get a refund on principle. I’m screwed now maybe it’ll turn around in that time but looking at today’s patch they don’t know what they’re doing or they are purposely trying to sink this game

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Humble bragging is still bragging.

Besides, that’s simply not true. I know I’m average at best.

but I also no that Torghast is built with anima powers in mind. Super elite cool dudes like yourself probably aren’t in any danger, but the average player… could be a different story, right?

The higher layers of Torghast aren’t for the average player. At least not that the currently available gear level.

I’m always looking for a healer and a DPS to go with

Who said anything about higher levels?

Edit: to clarify, I got to about layer 4 and decided to not bother. Yea, I could probably slog through it, but I don’t play this game for work. No reason to push it anyways.

I Alt F4 on layer 7 first floor. The first floor! I said nope I can’t deal with this type of insanity. This is just too painful. The Devs can’t be serious about this. I just got a 210 wep and 213 shield too and it was 100 times more painful than last week in 184 gear. Talk about messed up.

It’s like they want people to just play other games and drive them away. I really wish I could sit in on the meeting where they thought these changes were actually good for the game.

Just do layer 4 or 5 or whatever you are comfortable with. Why do you need layer 7?

The point was that if I can almost beat layer 3 with 0 anima powers then the average player shouldn’t have problem with average powers. Anything above layer 3 isn’t really intended for the average player.

Raiders should not be the only ones who get to have fun.
You only want the buff to Torghast because you have the raid gear to overpower it normally.

I agree with the sentiment… It was already feeling very grindy / long / tedious. It just feels like unpleasant house chores at this point. In fact the WHOLE of the Maw is the worst part of this XPack. That and having to re-grind renown if you change covenants.

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If layer 8 is the same difficulty for me as layer 4 is to you then who cares? We will both get fully upgraded legendaries eventually. Just play at the layer you are comfortable with. There isn’t a requirement to clear layer 8 this week.

That’s fine, but level 3 probably shouldn’t be considered a higher level.

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I can’t even solo layer six anymore.

What trash are you smoking?

please wake up. When just yesterday a player who cleared all 6 layers on both wings cant even do layer 5+ first-3rd floor the next day. Someone F’ed up.

You’re a frost mage, your level of control is easily laughable when you compare that to someone who actually has to have be in the mix. Even with that, this isn’t a “Average player” vs higher than average player deal. Torghast isn’t a competition. Its content. To shift it so drastically from one day to another is ridiculous and people are absolutely in their right to complain.


So do layer 5 or 4. You get like 50 extra ash for doing 6 instead of 5? Who cares?

What on earth gave you that idea? Layer 4 would theoretically be the place for average players, right? Being the literal layer, right?