Bump. Also having this issue on twisting corridor. It’s the only back piece I don’t have, too.
Same here… and this thread started in September. That doesn’t feel like a good sign :C
Husband ran 2 yesterday (one 14 and one 15, just the regular torghasts) and got 6 items altogether.
We had tried twisting corridor before that with no luck but did a 14 skoldus halls and I got a back piece.
So it does work, just no reason to do twisting corridors. It’ll show all the items but some will be locked.
Hope that helps everyone, good luck guys!
It’s insane how this is STILL an issue after all these months…
i am pretty sure it has to do with the layer you are on for them to be available.
I think its like layer 13-15?
Bump; just had the same problem. Broker showed up on levels 3, 5, and Adamant with three sword cosmetics, two staff cosmetics, two polearm cosmetics, and two mace cosmetics. Same cosmetics all three times, and I had 1200+ anima each time. Every time I clicked any of them to try and purchase them a message just popped up that said “Item is Locked” and I could not purchase any of them. Finished Torghast with 2180 anima unable to buy any of the cosmetics, and I needed all of them. ._.
bump, same thing here.
Can’t get them either. Ran all 4 layers of the Jailer’s Gauntlet, vendor was on each layer and I was unable to purchase any of them. What is the point in collecting phantasma if I can’t use it to buy anything?
I’m right now in front of the NPC and the items are still “locked”.
I can confirm what someone said above. I’m able to buy a few of those cosmetic items. I would guess it’s a visual bug. It’s showing items that are not available in that run (although we should be able to buy what we want since it’s old content aat this point).
bumping this also. I am trying to run all layers for achievements. What is the point of collecting phantasma then? while i am in each layer, i would like to use it up. very frustrating that everything is locked
I can’t believe this thread started in August. How is this not fixed yet. Why make the currency disappear???
Because the bug is that locked items are visible, which can be kind of beneficial so you know what mogs can be on the vendor in a given run. The items have always been locked, they were just hidden if so.
same thing locks 2 staff 2 crossbow and one skull crescent is blizz going make comments about it or what?
They usually don’t.
Bug Reports is one-way: you report, QA validates and forwards, devs fix (when they choose to). No acknowledgement, no assurances, no ETRO, no promises.
Most likely, you’ll know it was fixed when you discover in-game that it’s working correctly.
I’m in here right now and all the cosmetic items are still locked. I guess they just left it all behind and don’t care?
There’s never been a guarantee that a cosmetic will be unlocked in any given run.
The problem is that all the items are always locked. You can’t buy any of them. At least, I’ve never seen them unlocked since TWW started.
Came here looking for this! Still locked