Torghast concept is good, design is poor

Maybe in your case - since you die and cry - you should be stacking defensive powers? After all, you are NOT a DPS class, you are a healer. Maybe it’s YOU - and not the “design”?

But, God forbid, it is a shortcoming on YOUR end. Just blame it on bad “design”. It could never be YOUR fault, right?

Looks like some changes will be coming

Easier to hand the whiners a pacifier, eh?

And THIS describes the OP - and the English Major - to a tee…

  • Solo Tanks and Healers were dominant in Torghast, hence the changes on December 15th.

  • Blizzard was ramping the difficulty of the course of the first few floors to avoid the trap where players would get to the final boss and realize they were over their head and felt like they wasted their time.

  • If Layer 1 was a normal dungeon, then Layer 6 would be like a +7 Key and Layer 8 would be a Mythic +13 or +14

Have you run Torghast, ever?

The issue we have as healers is not that we “die and cry” as you so civilly, constructively put it – it is that the final boss is a literal DPS race thanks to their stacking buffs and his eventual “soft enrage” which results in him one-shotting all of your healthbar and becoming immune to all CC, interrupts, etc.

It’s helpful to read people’s issues before just handwaving them away, you know?

What part about “in over your head” did you fail to comprehend? You are NOT geared enough. Did you not see the final point I bolded?

The problem is on YOUR end - not the “design”. You just like to die and cry because you always need to blame some one else for you own failures.

Can you solo a a Mythic +13 or +14?

Shows you just came here to troll and flame about the dictonary.
My most recent torghast run went like this: Didn’t die a single time and rolled through all 5 floors with no issue not dying a single time. 6th floor comes I fight the boss get him to 20% bubble to prevent him from one shotting me get him to 10% bubble wears off and then he one shots me. Every cd used. If I had the powerup that increases my wings by 60% I’d be done and out with some easy soul ash, but I didn’t get it. Tried 4 times and then left because it was clear I failed to win over the number generator’s favor that run. But sure let me stack defensive power ups - all of them are terrible - and then still get one shot because his ramping damage continuously scales up.

As Illidan would say - You are not prepared![quote=“Hállow-sargeras, post:146, topic:782310, full:true”]

Looks like you could have used some defensive anima powers, eh?

Again, you don’t read, because if you did you’d know I cleared all my Torghast runs. :wink:

It’s also impossible to reply to your posts completely when you’re consistently editing in additions. The bold points weren’t even there when I hit reply.

The issue I have, personally, is that inflated health has no bearing on actual challenge or difficulty. It just makes everything take longer and become a slog, and then punishes you on the last boss to figure out how to beat a DPS race when you are not, in fact, a DPS role. Another 10 ilvls is not going to take my healer DPS up into the 30k zone, that’s just never going to be the case period.

Awww…well, maybe you should not knee-jerk react to everything like you normally do.

Ah yea because him 2 shotting me instead of one shotting me would of changed everything. Because my self healing definitely scales with my max health and not my int, yeah?

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I know that I proved you wrong about a dictionary definition, but there’s really no need to be so malignant. Just have a conversation about the issues at hand? Yikes.

Well, at least you have an excuse for every one of YOUR failures. But they are NEVER your fault. You were programmed well.

Sorry but this is a player problem, not a system one. Perhaps the Priest forum would be a good place to get advice on how to beat it?

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Only in YOUR egotistical mind have you proved anyone wrong. You did not prove me wrong in any way.

Go die and cry in the corner - and blame it on everyone else.

And, in what way am I being “malignant”? Do you even know what that word means? Or how to use it properly? Magic 8 ball says “Not a chance”.

all lies… Tupac said its been designed perfectly and working as expected…


It is - it boils down to a player problem, as is evident by all the crying.

5 mask HV was the same thing.

Oh sweetpea, did you really want me to take you on another walk down dictionary lane? I think we’ve all learned today that only one of us is capable of looking up definitions, and it ain’t you.

BTW, careful about telling people to “go die” … I would really hate to see you get flagged. :innocent:

Yup you’re right it’s a player issue that my healing doesn’t scale with my max health. Definitely a player issue that a dps race mechanic is one shotting me when I’m not a dps and didn’t get any GOOD damage powerups. You’re right. Also, priests definitely have wings as a cd.


As other members in thread have kindly pointed out, you can group with others as well to complete it. Many priests have done Layers 7+ successfully solo as well, so you can always ask other Priests to give you pointers or tips. There’s nothing wrong in learning new mechanics for your class!