Torgast- Is it so hard for players?

This times 1000. One run you get garbage powers, another you get god-like powers. TC is the worse since you may get god-like powers at the start, be feeling good, and then nothing but garbage.

(Just did a solo Mort run with my shaman. Floors 1-3 were great, then the RNG let me down. Also died instantly from full health AFTER the floor 5 boss died. Those kind of bugs ruin it. Beat final boss by pure luck it seems.)


Torghast just puts a magnifying glass on how truly awful spec balance is right now. For general pve and also in available powers in torghast.


Yes. No. Maybe. Next question!

Do players forget that 3rd, 9th, and 15th floor brokers show preview of the respective bosses? Players get to the first or even last boss and are “shocked” that it’s whatever it is.

I don’t know how that’s possible when you get a visual cue of what boss you’re about to face three floors before you do. Pick appropriate powers.

The challenge most of the time is the annoyance level.

Uh, when exactly did you start playing WoW?

R. N. G.

Some people will get awesome anima powers and faceroll bosses. Others may get garbage anima powers and much harder hard counter bosses that are the worst possible type of boss for their class.

Those in the first group usually think its therefore easy and/or they are l33t. Those in the second group either nope out, complain, try again or some combination thereof.


Choice of anima power and syncing them to work together is important.

Yup , Blizzard doesn’t win here .

Some players aren’t good at the game. Games aren’t mastered by all. That is why you have levels from novice to pro. Personally I feel Torghast is extremely trivial content. The twisting corridor was very easy to clear for the level 8 mount. Some people think it’s impossible, and they are wrong. Probably just not very good and/or didn’t get any gear or anything before attempting it.

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Hard to bring myself to do it. It’s boring as hell.


100% this.

As the 1st reply to this thread said perfectly.

Players unfortunately had most things handed to them on a silver platter over the past few expansions, had every single little thing explained to them with training wheels, and had their hand held each step of the way.

For Shadowlands Blizzard simply removed the training wheels. So these players who have turned into entitled little children use to having everything given to them for free were given a rude awakening when they are now expected to work for a reward, while every step of the way are falling without the training wheels and are getting lost without the constant hand holding to guide and tell them what to do.

Unfortunately this probably isn’t intentional, no matter how much I would wish Blizzard would remove the training wheels and stop constantly holding player’s hands
 but it’s probably just a result of their delayed and poor development cycle of Shadowlands
 don’t forget that Shadowlands got delayed due to them being behind on development and every one in beta knew that just a one month delay wasn’t enough.

So I don’t doubt that probably by next patch, the training wheels will be back in full force.

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Rogue Anima powers are just shamefully bad. The only ones worth anything are white-border “chance to heal 5% on hit!” or “finishers make generators deal +150% damage!” and trying to stack them 3+ times.


Hello fellow venthyr hunter, instead of focusing on jar and rat powers, pick up soulsteel pinion, bone barbs, serrated arrowhead, and deathdealers scope
 add in your generic added crit, crit damage, sticky tar, bursting tar and a bunch of health and you are golden.

I’m willing to bet that every spec has cleared TC solo. Some people don’t like challenges.

I really love Torg, it is something new and refreshing. I also like a challenge, which the higher levels and twisted corridor is able to bring. The one shame is that I am finding twisted corridor to be impossible in higher levels unless I do it as a tank. It would be nice to have it possible for all classes in all specs, but maybe that will change with gear? I don’t know, just the powers I get are kinda meh unless I am a tank.

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 the leetist expansion.

$#^#$^ off with ur torghast is easy. It is when you are the right class, when you have the right gear, when you are in a group, when you have the right spec, and get the right powers.

It sucks balls when you are playing a spec that isn;t great in torghast and get terrible powers 
 and hit a boss that sucks for your spec (because of mobility or interrupts or 


and if you can’t kill the ‘certain npcs’?

Meh, my guess people don’t find it “hard” most people find it boring as hell
 And it’s honestly RNG dependent on powers for certain class(es) 

So once is many times?

rolls eyes

And againalot just think it’s boring as hell


certain players never did anything harder than world quests and LFR. Difficulty spike in solo content? Preposterous


druids is one of stronger classes for torg