Torgast- Is it so hard for players?

Why do you keep making the same thread over and over. Gosh, why oh why.

I’m a destro warlock, and I can’t say I’ve seen much difference in wings or floors, save for the trap heavy floors when I don’t have any speed buffs (since I don’t spec Burning Rush).

other than that, they’re pretty much all the same. I can see kiting classes having problems on the small platforms that have high mob density.

There are also issues for specs that need to drink frequently and any wing that has adds spawn out of combat.


It’s actually really easy. On my under geared 165 Paladin is SUPER easy. It’s more just boring AF having to go through the first 8 layers on a new character. Pretty sure at 165 I could clear layer 4-5 with minimal effort but I have to go through each layer
so I stopped at 2/3 this week to just make sure I got that legendary prot memory that was so broken in the AWC on Ret.

TLDR Choreghast/Boreghast isn’t that fun. It kind of sucked the first time and continues to feel like a chore on my main, but it’s even more painful a second time around.


This is false.

TC1 is a lot harder than any of the layer 8’s starting from floor 12 or 13 onward. The damage ramp up is especially intense at 16+.

The only real advantage TC1 is no elites until later in the floor and no affixes. The mobs themselves though are quite punishing if you aren’t good at Torghast and know how to properly pick powers (TC there is no luck based since you get enough powers to get everything you want sans all the epic powers).

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it’s hard for casual players, it’s not hard for hardcore players, so simple.

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Re-read the question:

Now you see that the question was actually about challenging, not if the damage was higher. It doesn’t matter as you are so powered up by then that it is so easy.


Gotta pick the right abilities.

I always focus on powers that help with boss over powers that only help with trash. So I find things like “mawrats explode” or “ashen phylacteries give you X” to be less desirable. Anything good with boss is good with trash, but not the other way around.

I always want a good balance of damage and defense. Like I often take Blood Gorged Leech when I see it.

So when picking powers I think first “will this help me on boss? will it help me stay alive?”

“Will it help me clear trash” is the bottom priority IMO.

I hate the mawrat abilities.


It’s been nerfed substantially ONCE.

And since the place is tied to both power progression and story, it needed to be.

So, if you can fail Torghast, anyone can?

Not exactly an advertisement for the supposed “fun” of spending hours wading through trash.


People want to zoom through content. Torghast punishes you for skipping corridors / rares / powers / phantasm / etc. So, when people skip through and try taking on floors 13+, they get rolled because they don’t have all the powers they should.

People also pick DPS powers instead of survivability ones. It makes trash really, really easy, but when you take on the boss - bam, one shot.

If you clear every single corridor, break every jar, free every soul, kill every rare and do every side quest, you should end up with around 100 - 120 powers by floor 18. If you pick powers with the boss in mind (single target + survivability), and not steam rolling trash (mawrat explosion, aoe, etc), it is quite easy to do TC+8 when you have around ilvl 200 gear.



As I said, don’t gear for the trash. Gear for the boss. If you gear for the boss, you’ll be able to do the trash.

Clear every nook and cranny for powers and phantasma. Nothing worse than getting to the broker and seeing a cool power and not being able to buy it.


This is a very good way of looking at it. On some of my first runs when getting to my first floor 8 I picked abilities with trash in mind. Eventually I had such a hard time with the boss, I realized that they were the only obstacle, the trash just takes up time.

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Because people are different, RNG anima powers, etc. This isn’t difficult to figure out.


Somebody, somewhere at sometime mentioned layer 1 of TC was equivalent to regular layer 3. Please don’t quote me.

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Because some classes (cough hunters hunters) if they get the right powers MIGHT 2x their dps. MAYBE. And they need them for the dps check bosses.

Other classes go 10x+. I’ve seen streamers play paladins, warriors and mages who can top 200k DPS. If a BM hunter gets 7K they’re doing well. Good gear and good luck and you might get 10-12k.

Just now I spent 1.5 hours getting every phantasma I could. End result? I get to Floor 6 and
 Maw of the Maw. This is a really tough fight. And after a few attempts, some close, it’s over. Oh and I was never offered smoke bombs so that wasn’t an option.

Anima power idea: lower the CD for interrupt and/or stun. I’m willing to give up the power for scaring mawrats. Or anything to do with Aspect of the Cheetah.

Gunk is a really quick cast so it’s easy to miss the interrupt. As a BM hunter you have a 24s CD on interrupt (plus Stun, 1m CD).

And this is on layer 3 (ilevel 155).

So it’s RNG on bosses and RNG on anima powers and if you get unlucky you come out with

Torghast is the absolute worst.


I’ll take you through TC anytime Fri to Sat and we can cheese the whole dang thing

The slime to use against mawrats sold by the Maw vendor guy is very effective in exploding the little buggers. It lasts 30 minutes. I always buy two just to be sure I have enough. Love seeing them die so suddenly.

Dark souls player here. Been playing wow since the legion xpac. Playing DS you have a total different mindset. You are expected and will die over and over again.

In wow, it’s the opposite. Through superior armor and weapons (ilvl), you can win the day without dying. I can play all day and not even have a flashing red screen. Unless someone messes up bad in a dungeon, the group will win. You are the hero.

You try to beat some 61 or 62 elites, you know what you and your toon can do.

Torghast is horrible in this respect. Rng anima powers can throw off the possiblity of defeating the end boss by a wide margin. The real kicker is: You don’t know it until you have sunk an hour of time into it. THAT is what i think a lot of players have issue with.

Just today, I tried the Twisted Corridors. Hop on my DH, a toon I know how to play very well. We are talking Layer 1, first time there. Got to floor 12 boss, dead stop. Poor anima powers and a boss that could cast every sec, even interrupted plus was spewing puddles of bad stuff. I had some heavy duty healing anima, my health bar went from 100% to 20% in one hit, and I was healed back to full health numerous times but the boss had over 1 million health

Then I tried on my squishy mage. Got fantastic anima powers. I was one shotting the floor bosses. The last boss I hit in my opener for over 2 million in damage. (He had 3 million at the start) I had some issues taking him down the rest of way. That’s just nuts, imo.

Did I have fun? No. Did I feel a sense of accomplishment? Yes and no. I NEVER want to spend 2 1/2 hours doing another TC run again. For what? This was a quest storyline I want to see. So done with torghast.


I don’t find Torghast hard for anything other than actually staying awake through.

Can we get some sort of reward system for this slog, please?


Tower in Legion was very hard for me, i find Torghast fun and relax.