Top 4 Classes to Farm Old Raids

Movement speed is really king os using your time effectively. I can remember when I first started farming Karazahn, It took about 22-25 minutes. I then built a speed set, which took it down to under 15 minutes.

So the key factors are movement speed, instant cast AE (preferably at range), the ability to take on some tougher opponents in more recent expansions (without legacy damage) and the ability to reset combat.

BM Hunter is by far my preferred option.

Second has to be druid because it has some unique advantages, like the ability to efficiently reset dungeons. Plus it has a tank spec and can stealth.

Still, for straight clearing, having a pet and various AE abilities (multi-shot, various cleaves) is my choice.

Monk has Roll and Spinning Range Kick but it’s not at range. Similar for DH.


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Shaman have ghost wolf which will complete old raids far faster than pallies.

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Maybe rogues should get a shout out as well.

Stealth goes a long way.

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Nevermind. Keep forgetting we can unlock look-a-like tier sets on any class now.


It’s not really that important when you can just run from boss to boss, dragging everything, then one shot them all down.

But for raids where the scaling is all jacked up, yeah I would go for a stealth class.

Druid top because it can port out and back
Monk 2nd for the same reason, but cant go stealth and is slower.
Shaman, hunters amd locks are fast, but no port so pick vulpera at least

Say more here. I dont know what you mean.

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Druid can dream walk to the emerald dream and their class hall. When you use the ability a second time, it returns you to where you were.


…and we’re super speedy, too! Seals on wheels, baby! :upside_down_face::face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

They all work if you’re talking older than one expansion. I keep twenty characters at max level and only really “play” two or three in current content. The rest are for farming runs for mounts, professions, etc.

This expansion I farmed the mounts from Underrot, King’s Rest, Mechagon, Vortex Pinnacle, Freehold, the Hounds in Antorus, Red infernal from Guldan (I had the mythic drop one from when it was current), and the one from Mistress in Tomb of Sargareas. Of course, the real driver was to farm the Love Rocket which finally dropped for me on the 143rd attempt of this year. =)

All were easy enough to solo quickly by the time I had season 2 PVP gear and I had surplus conquest from playing games on my main to send boxes to them. My lineup was:

8 warlocks
2 paladins
2 mages
3 hunters
1 each priest, shaman, druid, death knight, and warrior.

Not shadow priest ill tell ya that much,

Rogue can skip trash and has sprint so def a rogue

Druid for same reason as rogue


Dh is good and so is warrior i dont think one js better then the other.

As farming old content is something i do alot skipping 5 sec pulls adds up so dont sleep on stealth. My rogue and druid always clear content faster then my other characters and ive been farming raids and dungeons on all classes. Trust me

i’m not too familiar with lock spells but what spec can you recommend? from what i’ve tested they dont have a good aoe spell i can use when i want without generating some resource first.

How many attempts it take ya to get that kings rest raptor? Im going on 415 and im suspecting it aint possible.

I got really lucky with that mount. Wanna say it was less than a hundred runs of King’s Rest.

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U son of… well im glad u got it! Hope u use it often. It goes great with the dk!


You know how it goes: sometimes you’re just lucky. I wasn’t lucky on the LK. Invincible took me well over 400 kills.


I prefer destruction but they all have adequate aoe to face roll old stuff
On icy veins there are good aoe cleave builds

Ya and its always the mounts u want for some reason got stupid lucky on some.mounts i wasnt even trying to farm.


Something with damage throughput, the ability to take hits and heal (Nathria).

Something with mobility and bursts of speed. Something that makes old achievements much easier to farm.

Monk and druid are good for this.

King’s Rest was one of the quicker ones it seemed. I think around 200?