Top 4 Classes to Farm Old Raids

I’m guessing it’s Druid, Hunter, DH, and Monk.

Wondering if something like Warrior or Rogue can edge one of them out.


Back in ye olden days I would’ve said Warrior, now it’s whoever can move the fastest.


ignite is bugged in legacy content and hits for 500k per tick in bfa raids
unholy dk coil of devastation does 100k-200k each tick
windwalker monk has the xuen passive that does 8% of the dmg you’ve done in the past 4 seconds every 4 seconds for 20 seconds it was bugged in legacy content before and did millions of dmg but that might have been fixed in prepatch

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I think bm hunter is as well with lacerate. Boomkin with the astral thingy maybe.

As for the OP, its definitely druid and then hunter imo

I think folks often pick a class that can move fast and do decent AoE damage to clear stuff quickly.

To me, that’s probably going to be a MM hunter. BM would be a close second because pet cleave.

Otherwise, DH for speed, a druid for cat/travel forms, or a mage for AoE.

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You have guessed the top ones correctly imho. Rogue is definitely up there too. Similar tools to ferals.

Though, Shaman are decent too. Also an honourbale mention to Destro Warlocks these days with Burning Rush and Life Drain healing you to full in a single tick.

Just stay away from Priests and DK’s and to a lesser extent, Paladins. They are the slowest.

I assume we are talking Legacy raids here? Not something like SL ones where you still need some power.

I still use my Druid, never found a reason to change.

How? What spec?

Enhance or elemental. It’s not as easy as the one button kill everything classes but more fun.

Im farming mounts. I dont think Shaman works. Paladin seems better than Shaman.

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BM or MM Hunter definitely. Trailblazer, cunning pet, pathfinding talent, then just run through the dungeon and spam multi-shot / barrage. I have all classes that do old raids for mounts, and hunter is always the quickest for me.


I wish I could say paladin, but they are pretty slow. I mostly take my mage and this druid.

Shaman works because of wolf form. Otherwise it’s nothing special.

Holy Nova is a good ability, so keep priests in mind. They have decent mobility.

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Since tier in old raids is still locked to specific classes, you will want to go with the class you want the gear for.

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I like using my lock, burning rush is great for moving quickly between bosses and permanent corruption is amazing for when transitions happen on boss fights, your dot stays on and even if you’re cc’d or in another part of the boss fight, it just keeps ticking. This has saved me plenty of times.


this, until they make transmog account bound.

Didnt realize those stacked.

Anyone know if those also stack with the DID racial Dungeon Delver?

Get three Longstrider azerite pieces from BfA and have near-capped movement speed on any class you like.


Only time Hunters are not best is when a raid isn’t legacy yet or Ion screws up the scaling (like he does every expac) then I would go with a rogue or druid for stealth.

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Druid, hunters and warlocks