Top 3 specs I'd add to the game

I think adding these specs would round out the current classes nicely and be popular choices for many players

1.) Ranged DPS Holy Priest. Currently, none of the Ranged DPS use light
2.)Ranged DPS Rogue. The class fantasy of dual welding ranged rogues are fun
3.) Tank Shaman. We do not have an elemental gish tank in wow yet and shaman could fit the bill nicely


An updated Ranged Survival.

Seriously. Take a look over at the hunter forums to see how contentious current SV is. We could have our cake and eat it too and satisfy everyone in the hunter community and bring back something that is sorely missing from the class.


Survival being melee must feel bad with a special quiver and bow coming out next patch. Imagine survival being overpowered and having your guild pressure you not to use the cool new toys coming for beastmaster and marksman specs


To be fair, its the same like 5 people who have been whining about it for 5 years.


I didn’t have a problem with the Survival overhaul in a vacuum because before it came, BM and Survival played WAY too similarly. Like, stupidly similarly. They had no right being separate specs. So changing Survival (since BM is always popular cus pets) made a lot of sense.

And… I was gonna say that since BM changed, there’s room for old Survival to make a comeback.

But that’s not really true. MM has Black Arrow and Explosive Shot. That’s basically all Survival had that wasn’t shared. So, I guess I still don’t really have a problem with it staying dead. I know old Explosive Shot wasn’t quite the same as what it is now, but that one ability isn’t exactly enough to form a whole spec around.

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We were gonna have those in vanilla!


It’s a lot more than five but alright.

So, the problem with this is a lot of hunters highly disagree that they played similarly at all. But, let’s play devil’s advocate and say they did, that your interpretation is correct.

Why not update the spec (like they were doing anyway with all of the specs in Legion) to appeal to most hunters anyway? There are multiple threads out there with interesting ways Blizz could have further defined it and set it apart without going against the core class concepts and pushing players away. Do you believe that there wasn’t room for it to be developed or further explore its themes? Why jump the shark with deleting it?

As for this

Do you think this is a good solution? To a lot of hunters, MM and SV played about as similarly as destro and aff did, and trying to force the two specs together has been unsatisfying for players who enjoyed the old spec, while also taking up talent potential that might appeal more to MM mains and their desired fantasy / gameplay. The issue also becomes more exaggerated when we look at how borrowed power from legendaries interacts with the specs as well as concerning rotational feel (30 second explosive shot CD is going to feel very different than 6 second CD as an example, along with working in things like aimed shot).


I feel beastmaster would have made the better melee spec for the standing by your beast fantasy.


Not really. I stopped entirely going there due to the Goblin guy pretty much making any topic about this. There’s 4-5 others slightly less obsessive but that’s it really.

Its beyond childish at this point.

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Okay then.

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There’s really not that many people posting on that forum to begin with, you realize that right? They kind of outlived their usefulness a long time ago.

Its basically just little cliques having circular discussions.

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I mean, the people who are going there are going to be the most invested in the class presumably. I don’t expect it to have as many as other various forums. Though you can see threads pop up over on MMO-C or reddit as well about the topic.

Regardless, I think there are ways to satisfy more players and bring back something that a large amount of hunters actually enjoyed. I don’t want to take away anyone’s fun which is why I advocate for the idea of a 4th spec rather than repeating the mistakes made in Legion.

So, I respectfully disagree with your assessment. I could find the statistics for play rate of the current spec, various points for the old spec, etc. But I really don’t think all of that is really necessary.

My main concern is the precedent that was set in Legion, that Blizz is okay with outright deleting specs for something new, regardless of whether we agree if it makes sense or not. The result of that was pushing players away from characters they had been invested in for over a decade.

I really don’t think it’s

To want that resolved in a way that shows Blizz recognizes it was a mistake.


Unless huge change in wod since I didn’t play that expac as hunter, SV and BM previous to that was very different. Like saying demo and aff are the same spec. Or rdruid and disc.

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Yeah, no. Azor and Moofz are on the Class Discord. As are literally everyone else.

To keep whining endlessly until you get your way? Yes.

Reality is that Survival is probably one of the best designed spec in the game right now. It just suffers from the fact its a melee spec in a ranged dominated game.

Give Survival an AMZ style cooldown and i promise you there’s going to be people playing it at the top level.

Or reverse the situation. Give Warriors, Paladins, Rogues and DKs a 4th Ranged Spec, suddently all of their melee ones will fall out of “viability”.

Instead of a ranged priest spec. Why not give paladins a ranged holy class since we don’t have one

In the eyes of the community, that amounts to deleting Ret entirely.

Okay? I don’t think that detracts from what I was saying to be frank. They are certainly knowledgeable and invested in the class. I also don’t think it’s the only platform people use. I should have been more clear and specified I was referring to the WoW boards specifically when mentioning that the most invested in the class would likely hang out there.

That does not mean every player who is invested in the class hangs out there (because not everyone uses these boards).

The problem is, Ion even said in his latest interview they want to move away from spec utility and push more towards class utility. I don’t see that issue resolving any time soon.

There’s also the issue of hunter players for the most part wanting ranged gameplay. Even the few times when SV has been our best spec, it’s still consistently fighting for bottom of the barrel as far as participation rates go.

But I don’t think we need to drag the current spec through the mud, man.


Legion/BfA-style shadow. Don’t care what class gets it or how it’s dressed up, but the insanity mechanic from back then was the most fun and unique spec I’ve played and I wish it would come back in some or another.

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It sounds like you’re the 1% of people that likes melee survival, it’s a meme spec that nobody asked for.

Agree about the ranged dominant game, being melee is nothing but a handicap


My top three specs to add:
Tinker tank
Tinker ranged DPS
Tinker healer (or melee DPS, I guess)