Top 10 complaints tomorrow

“They nerfed my spec! PvE/PvP is so broken now. Literally unplayable!”


Totems aren’t going to be killed by AoE, they still have to be targeted, they just made it so abilities that didn’t work on totems like Avenger’s Shield or Chain Lightning will hit totems (but only the totem they have targeted). See the “if the player hits them directly” below. Non-direct damage won’t hit totems, if I am not mistaken.

  • Area damage abilities such as Chain Lightning or Avenger’s Shield can now properly destroy totems or Explosive orbs in Mythic Keystone dungeons if the player targets them directly.

I don’t think it compares to wasting 7-8 seconds getting DoTs on a bunch of targets only to have them disappear. There are already enough ways to deal with DoTs in PVP.

Why not state the price then?

The timing is something we’re going to watch and see how it feels. I will likely make a blue post after the system is up for a few weeks asking what you guys think about it


I am not being petty, I just hope that this time the invasions dont occur when the OCE community is at work or asleep…it was unbelievably frustrating when these invasions were timed in a way that DID NOT cater to multiple timezones.

California vs OCE = 17 hours difference.


This. Terrible change.


Battle for Azeroth dungeons now automatically change you to a spec that matches the role you chose when you queued.

I’m surprised that hasn’t gotten more complaints so far since I recall past threads and how up-in-arms people were about it.

One thing people won’t be complaining about is the quality of the :coffee: and :doughnut::doughnut::doughnut::doughnut: on my desk. I won’t be sharing.

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Extended maintenance and not being able to log in.

This guy also lists a few

While he is sarcastic there are good and valid reasons why people still complain about them.

Levelling is now too fast / still too slow.
Why can’t I fly yet
Why is my rep not account wide. It was supposed to be.
People are still afking warfronts
Warfronts are too long / short / boring
Why can’t I fly yet
Some allied races still require me to do old content.
Warmode still sucks
Why can’t I fly yet


That’s perfect then.

im ok with that, i dont get off work until 3pm PST :smiley:

" And lied when they promised us the guaranteed thing that would’ve made us so happy that we’ll never leave this game forever or until the next time they lie to us."

“We, the entire playerbase of this game, all hate “whatever the heck we’re complaining about” and Blizzard needs to just get rid of it right nao.”

Or something like that.

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  • Integrated new multi-threaded performance optimizations for clients using DirectX 12 and Metal.

Why did my FPS go DOWN instead of UP with these new optimizations?

/moo :cow:


Its probably not gonna be the top 10 complaints list quality.

But my complaint has always been since day one on BFA launch that they are sacrificing too much to make mythic invitationals a streamable feature. The GCD changes, the removal of class complexity and lazily slapping the remants onto armor and calling it a system.

Stop butchering the game at the altar of ease of development. There is a reason that the classic dev team made a joke about how putting everything on the GCD was a bad thing.

It legitimately mesmerizes me that BFA is almost a in house joke at “we did everything we said was wrong and turned into an expansion”


“Why was there nothing to do after month 1 and why after all this time is there still nothing to do”

My biggest complaint: Mythic Keystones can no longer be deleted.

I don’t want that trash taking up space in my bags or bank, I want to delete the keystones, or better yet, just opt of receiving/be able to sell them for gold instead of having that {censored} garbage foisted on me when I do a mythic instance.

Semper Fi! :us:


I guess I can go ahead and scrap all those azerite piecea Ive been saving then.

take note you can’t scrap pieces you have saved up. You only get the currency from pieces that have dropped after the patch.


So, basically someone will be able to buy a piece of 385 gear just in time for the new raid to come out and make 385 gear pointless. Since that’s likely the ilvl of the new raid’s normal mode, which will be on farm with average pugs on week one. Same as the first BFA raid.


We still don’t have flight.

I’m pretty sure their intent is to then increase the gear as the new raid tier comes out to have level appropriate gear you can earn after that.