Toon transfur to new account <2 bnets>

i have 2 accounts im trying to move 1 toon to a account

all it say is destination realm and destination account,wow 1 2 or 3 , it deosnt even display my other bnet account im trying to move to

They recently changed it to that you are unable to transfer between battle net accounts.


I am sorry Bikush, but Blizzard disabled transfers between Battlenet Accounts with the release of Warbands pre- TWW. The warband functionality is not compatible with the transfer system between Bnet accounts anymore apparently.

EDIT - here is the July 11th announcement before the change

And here is the current Support article with the transfer limitations.


well, can blizz do it lol

I’m afraid not :frowning:


No. As the articles clearly state, they can not transfer between Battlenet accounts anymore.

I am afraid that is no longer an option for you. If you recently purchased an account service with the intent to transfer between Bnet accounts, you should be able to refund it and get your money back.

The refunds are automated mostly, so if the purchase qualifies it should grant it to you easily and quickly.


so is bnet separate from wow account? bnet is what has your collections wow deosnt?

If they removed the feature then no.

Well, your wow “account” is actually just a license. These are two different things. Battlenet has your real ID details and whatnot but your WoW license is what separates the wow content you own, such as the characters and expansions.


Battle net is the account, and wow are the licenses. You can have multiple wow licenses on a battle net account, and you can transfer between those. But you cannot transfer between different battle net accounts. Hope this helps!


Yes. The Battlenet Account is the top level account with your email address and login password. It holds all the Collections such as mounts, achievements, transmogs, pets, etc. You can have up to 8 WoW Licenses on one Battlenet Account.

A different Battlenet Account would have another email, different login info, and a different license and collections.


BNet accounts are basically, Battle.NET accounts. They are the main account you log into when wanting to play games. Game Accounts are technically game licenses, and are linked to the BNet account.

So, no, there is no paid character transfers between Battle.Net accounts, and this has been removed since the War Within pre-patch, as listed by the article Mirasol posted, and Customer Support can not bypass these restrictions, as these restrictions are set in place by the development. If you want to provide feedback on this, then you’ll need to provide that feedback either via In-Game or General Discussion forums.


Think of a BNET account like a keyring and game licenses its keys.


I love that analogy. It is actually a very good way to put it. Sorry, didn’t mean to go off-topic here.


well until they activate it again and they will there not gonna miss out on a fee,lol

whats the sense of moving it wow 1 to wow 2 if it the same acount

They’re not going to turn it back on as it was removed due to the Warband system.


or make somthing else

Some people do that as a way of “bypassing” level restrictions for character creation on new realms, as one example.

Instead of leveling up from scratch.

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Each WoW license requires a sub to play. Sometimes people want to move their favorites to one WoW license so they can have access to them all under one Sub payment.


Also the manual multiboxing. Though it has become significantly harder to play, after appeasing the feedback of the crowd. Who often likened them to bots. I don’t think that was a good choice tbh, I did like the multiboxer style of fighting (and dancing).

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