Too soon, Blizzard

Well they already said more raid tuning is coming because there is far less CE then usual. So wait to see how that goes.

I hope you understand that most of the community think you’re rushing this.

I have spoken to many players about this and not a single one said that they would quit if the game launched in 2023. Many said that a delay would be acceptable if it meant more polish.

The main concern is that talent trees will require considerably more attention and iteration than there is time available and someone’s going to get overlooked again. We have ZERO confidence at this point.

You did shamans and spriests dirty going into BFA, and you know it. Please don’t tell us there’s time, only to spend the first tier unfishing all the issues we tell you about in Alpha/Beta.

They’re nerfing the raid again, calm down

Considering the expansion launches this year having Season 4 in Oct doesn’t seem right since the new expansion may launch then or let’s even say Dec. That’s only about 2 months of it. I also highly doubt they will be launching the expansion during Christmas time since the employees will be off and that would be a horrible time to launch a game. My guess would be Nov or up to the first week of Dec.

this is the exact same thing people said about bfa > sl.

now look at where we are.

who are you talking to

Why rush S4? Are people that eager to do repeat content for 5 months?

S4 should be like Oct…

Dont really want to get CE on some stupidly nerfed version…

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because season 4 has the gold and purple KSM mount

It should be next year. And DF should be Q2 2023.

Blizzards financials matter more than anything. They’re a company.

WoWs release schedule is planned out to have new content released before the quarters end to bank off of the subscriber boosts. This is why you’ll see Classic + retail releases all occurring at the same time usually 2-4 weeks before the end of quarters.

It’s also the reason why pre-sales of Dragonflight came up already. They’re trying to pad this quarter with extra money because Q3 is Season 4 retail and WOTLK classic.

Blizzard simply doesn’t care if guilds don’t get CE if they can get an extra 250-500k subscriber boost for Season 4.

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I have no idea what the thought process was here.

It feels like Season 4 was announced when someone at Blizzard thought we’d be in a content drought for another six months or something.

But apparently the expansion is gonna drop in December, and now they can’t really cut season 4 down any more than they have, so they’ll just eat the end of season 3 instead. It’s only been a few months since mythic release of SotFo, which is one of the most brutal raids ever.


Rushing towards Dragonflight isn’t gonna create any goodwill if that expansion is equally half-baked and half-finished as Shadowlands, which considering the timeline for release, the lack of an alpha/beta already, and most of the reveal event being concept art and ideas, it most likely already is.


Not too soon, Blizzard. Good timing imo. If you didn’t get your achievements, try harder next patch. Don’t wait til they day they announce the next patch date to all of a sudden cry on the forums because you aren’t ready. The world (of warcraft) does not revolve around you.

They’re a company mid acquisition by a company purchasing them for their IP not for their fiscal performance.

Their last quarter was horrific, yet the share price barely moved q dollar, you dont wonder why that is?

Honestly this.

SL s1 and 2 were both 8 months, s3 is 5 months and s4 is going to be less than 4 months, likely 3 if they shoot for end of nov/early dec DF release with a 1 month pre patch.

The whole thing is just poorly planned knee jerk frantic nonsense indicative of leadership who dont have a single clue, which does not bode well at all for DF as a game… which is likely why its been so cloaked and quiet for so long… because its an absolute mess and they know it, and if they started showing off what they have they would probably have a crisis on their hands.

But hey, theres always the next one… they couldnt possibly have 4 failed expansions in a row, right?!


Would you rather them have no new content till DF?

Shadowlands : It can’t get any worse right?

Dragonflight : Hold my beer.


Let’s say, Blizzard. Unless it was you personally.

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You’re either on the bus or not. Just look back at all the threads people begging for a preorder news. Plus all the people jumping out of the maze to see other games.

No brakes on this ride.

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I thought the whole point of season 4 was to give them a few more months of time to develop Dragonflight, so that the expansion would be ripe with content.

But I guess not?

Does anyone really think they’ve been working on DF in secret this whole time, scuttling Shadowlands in the process? And that they are gonna have the whole expansion properly tested in six months?

That just screams like some weird coping to me. If Dragonflight was super duper done and aced, the reveal event would have been teaser after teaser of cool stuff. But it wasn’t, and considering we have 2 talent trees in early access levels six months from release, I am very doubtful.


It will definitely be Shaman’s that get totem’d… :frowning: