Too much walking

I died in stonetalon peak was sent to darkshore gy lost track of spirit healer so I ran all the way to crossroads gy and rezzed back in darkshore

What’s the punchline?



Okay… what?

Yeah Blizz! Fix that crap!

Legitimately, there are some really annoying spots to die in. That end up making you walk across multiple zones to find the body. Better off with rez sickness sometimes.

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don’t die then


You forgot dying in Felwood and spawning at a ashenvale spirit healer.


Just a mechanic of classic that needs to be there. It’s good, make you work hard


Builds character…


Nothing beats the time I was doing that daily Hyjal Firelands quest in cata. It was the one where you get an npc partner who follows you around as you kill stuff. I was grouped up with a hunter and we were killing things to get our daily done faster. Suddenly, he disengaged and fell off of mount Hyjal, dying on the side of the mountain. He released in felwood and was unable to reach his body because ghost flying is not enabled there. He was forced to take rez sickness.

The moral of the story? Don’t disengage near cliffs. You don’t want to end up like that hunter. :bow_and_arrow:


We don’t talk about that here.


ACTUALLY he probably could have made his way through Felwood -> Winterspring -> Up mount hyjal and dropped himself down the same cliff to try and reach his corpse.

Probably would have ended up dying further down as a result but bit by bit he’d reach the point where he would be able to reach his corpse from ashenvale! Boom! No rez sickness required!


Dying outside RFK ,usually by getting ganked, and having to run all the way from Ratchet when there is a spirit healer 200yrds away down the lift.
Its moments like this that make the game memorable.
and yeah , dont die lol Speeding up the game is what ruined it imo.


complete sentence.

Walking is good for you. Nothing like a good relaxing walk to clear your head.

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Happened to me too… That is a really long run back…

Don’t think of it as a long walk.

Think of it as an opportunity to consider the error of your ways.


Nice someone should make a top 10 video of the worst places to die in classic.

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Walking is the error of my ways sometimes

Wisp form is greatly underrated.